Chapter 37- Star

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I lay back in my bed after getting dressed, and the thought of Gage's lips linger on mine. Music fills the house, and I smile. I head to the living room and I see Laura moving the furniture.

"We haven't danced since high school. I think it's time to put our bodies to use." She smiles, and I agree. I help push the couches to the side, and we carry the coffee table into the kitchen. We head to her room, grab her mirror, and laugh as we bring it out to the living room.

We place it against the wall and stand back. "Just like old times." She smiles. "Just like old times." She chooses a song, and I take a deep breath. As the music flows through the air, I can't help but sing along.

"Yes! I've missed this Star." Laura shouts. She joins in the singing and starts dancing to the beat, feeling the energy of the music. After the first song, I already feel my heart beating fast as the adrenaline pumps through my veins. The next song comes on, and we dance, "Think we could ever get the boys to do this with us?" She asks.

"Depends; it would be nice not to use a wall as a partner." I begin to laugh as I move my hips. As the song continues to play, I get the feeling someone is watching us. Still facing the mirror, I look out of the corner of my eye and notice Gage and the whole team staring through the sheer curtains. I move closer to Laura. "Don't look, but the guys are watching."

"So let's give them a show." As if on cue, the music drops its beat, and we move. Laura and I start dancing sensually, our bodies moving in perfect sync with the music. The guys' eyes widen in amazement as we continue to give them a show they won't forget anytime soon. It's exhilarating to have this kind of power over them, even if it's just for a few minutes.

The song dies off, and I grab my phone from the couch. I text him and then look out the window, my eyes locking on his as I smile. I tell him to go have fun with his friends, and he agrees. I watch as he walks away, and I fall back onto the couch, laughing.

I finally head to my room and turn on the TV. Laura walks in with snacks along with a brush, a comb, and hair ties.

"Dutch braids?" She asks me. I smile and sit on the floor as she sits on the bed, parting my hair as we watch TV. We spend the night laughing and munching on snacks. Noise from outside catches our attention. We run to my window to see all the boys acting wild.

"They're piss drunk," I say.

"Star, I love you!" Gage shouts into the sky.

"Laura, baby, I want you to be mine forever." Ace shouts.

I look at Laura, who has the same shocked facial expression as me across her face. As we watch the idiots stumble all over the place, they decide it would be a great idea to try and play soccer. I press my lips together and try to hold in my laughter.

"Should we go help them?" Laura asks,

"Why? And miss all this entertainment." I smile at her. Her eyes narrow as she looks at me.

"Fine," I say in defeat. "Let's go shut this down before someone gets hurt."

I grab my runners and slip them on. We head over to their place, and I turn the Bluetooth speaker off. All the guys grunt as Laura shouts that the party is over. I tell everyone to head into the house and find a place to crash, as no one is driving or walking home in the condition they are in.

"Star, my beautiful wife," Gage says.

"Oh, okay. Someone had a little too much to drink. I'm not your wife; I'm your girlfriend."

"Well, one day you will be my wife. Marry me." He says as I wrap my arm around his back.

"Alright, big boy. Let's get you back to my place to sleep." I roll my eyes.

Laura and I exchange glances as we make our way back to our place, carrying two intoxicated idiots. I make my way to my room and push him onto the bed. He lays back, and I take his shoes off and throw them across the room.

I put the blanket over him, and he mumbles. "I'll always protect you, Star. You don't have to worry about Levi anymore. I took care of it. You will never see him again."

"Gage, what did you do?" I question him. But he rolls over and falls asleep. "Idiot." I mumble to myself. I grab my pillow and a blanket from my closet, close the door behind me after turning out the light, and head to the living room.

I place my things on the couch and decide to step outside for some fresh air. I sit on the patio chair, and Laura comes out with two coolers in hand. She hands me one, I crack it open, and I begin to drink.

"Gage said the weirdest thing to me." I take a sip and look at her. "He said I don't have to worry about Levi anymore, that he took care of it."

"Weird, Ace said the same thing. I think they're just really drunk. I wouldn't hold on to what they say while they are in this condition." She says as she drinks. "Plus, Gage knocked him around pretty good. I doubt Levi will come back here after that. Maybe that's what they meant."

"Yeah, maybe." I take a sip of my beer and look up at the night sky. As much as I care for Gage, I know he is hiding something from me. I look at Laura.

"When you and Ace had sex, did you feel a connection between you two?" I ask her.

"Actually, no. But I do know I care for him more than any other guy I've ever been with. Ace is special, and I think I love him." She says. "What about you and Gage?"

"I felt something. Laura, I love him, I really, truly love him. Not that–oh, I love you, babe, crap that boyfriends and girlfriends do at the beginning of their relationship. I really love him. Every time he walks in, any strength I have walks out the door." I look at her and take another sip. "It's weird; I know it's wrong to feel like this so early on, and it might even be a mistake—the biggest mistake I could possibly be making. But what he gives me, I'm happy to take. No one has ever made me feel the way he does when I'm in his arms."

I lean back in my chair and lay my head back. "And, God, what happens between us when the lights go out? It's like nothing else matters in the world, just the two of us. I never thought I could feel this way about someone."

"So what I'm getting from this is that you love him, and he is a good lay." She smiles.

"Shut up!" I begin to laugh.

"What? He makes you hot; deal with it; it's a good thing." She states.

I roll my eyes and get up. "I'm tired." I head inside, and she follows. I lay back on the couch and pull the blanket over me. I look up at the ceiling as Laura takes the other couch. She begins to giggle. Before she can say anything, I pipe up.

"I'm in with any plan you have in that head of yours." I watch the half moon from the window as I see the storm clouds moving in. The wind picks up, and I hear the sound of raindrops hitting the roof. I feel a sense of calmness as I watch the storm approach. The sound of thunder breaks the silence, and I can feel the electricity in the air. I love the feeling of being cozy inside while a storm rages outside. It's like nature is putting on a show just for me. The raindrops start to fall, tapping against the window panes. I wrap myself in my warm blanket and settle in for a peaceful night.

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