Chapter 39- Gage

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I listen as her Jeep leaves the driveway and get up. I head to the kitchen and make myself another cup of coffee to wake me up. I head back to her room and sit down. My eyes wander around her room, so I decide to scan her bookshelf, hoping to find a good book to read. I come across an old leather book and pull it out. I flip through the pages and realise it's her diary. I put it back, not wanting to invade her privacy, and head back to her bed.

I lay back and look up at the ceiling. I wonder what secrets and memories are hidden within the pages of her diary. I feel guilty for even considering reading it, but my curiosity gets the best of me. I get up, reach for the diary, and open it, scanning the book to the most recent dates.

July 3rd

Dear diary

Today I met a boy, and I couldn't help but wonder if he had noticed me. He had a charming smile, and his eyes sparkled when he spoke, making me feel nervous yet intrigued at the same time. He left me gasping for air. As he walked away, I couldn't resist turning around to catch one last glimpse of him.

I flip the page and continue reading.

July 17th

Dear diary

It's been two weeks, and I still can't shake the thought of him, which terrifies me because I've never felt anything like this before. This bet between us is driving me insane, I don't know if I should just give in and tell him how I feel or continue to play along with this game. It's like my heart and mind are constantly at war with each other.

You know me better than anyone else on this entire planet does.

So diary I'll confide in you. I just wish I could find a way to make my heart and mind work together instead of against each other. It's exhausting, and I feel like I'm constantly battling myself.

As I continue reading, my heart swells. I never knew she felt this way from the beginning. I feel horrible reading this, but I need to know more. I can't believe she kept all of this inside for so long. I flip to the next page.

August 18th

Dear diary

Today, when I woke up, the boy was walking by, and I believed he was smiling at me. I wonder if he is aware of what is going on inside my head. I tried to smile at him, but I could hardly breathe. Today Laura and her new boy toy are having a party at our place, and I'm not sure if I can handle watching girls all over this boy. As I got ready for the party, I tried to shake off my feelings and put on a brave face, but deep down, I knew it was going to be a long night.

Should I be honest with him about how I feel, or will that make him go away?

Tell me what to do, please, and tell me what to say,

I flip the page and realise it's the last entry she wrote.

August 19

Dear diary

One little brush of his hand and the feeling of his breath against my skin made me tremble. The way his lips brushed against mine made me feel like I was on top of the world, but at the same time, I couldn't help but wonder if it was all just a game to him.

Our night together will be one I will always remember. I remember how he smiled, and it made me breathless. However, as the sun rose and reality set in, I couldn't shake off the feeling that he was just another player in a game I didn't want to be a part of. The memory of his touch lingers, but so does the uncertainty of his intentions.

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