Chapter 35- Gage

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As I step out of the locker room and wait for my name to be called on the ice, I take my blocker off and tighten my right pad. The music in the arena is loud, but the smell of vanilla fills the air, and I look up. There, stands, in the corner of the stands, away from everyone, stands Star. A smile crosses my face, I take my helmet off and look at her.

"I love you." I mouth.

"I love you." She whispers.

"Give it up for our Silver Creek Wolves. Number 29 GAGE MOON!!!!!" The announcer says and I step foot on the ice.

We enter the third period, and we're winning four nothing. It was a comfortable lead, but we knew we couldn't let our guard down and had to keep playing hard until the final buzzer. The opposing team could still make a comeback, and we didn't want to give them any chance to do so. We continue to play with the same intensity and focus until the end of the game.

The buzzer sounds, and the team skates up to me. We won once again, starting a new year undefeated. I take my helmet off and look into the stands. I see Laura jumping up and down, but Star is nowhere in sight. I close my eyes and realise her scent has faded.

I head to the locker room and get dressed. By the time we are all done talking, it's already ten p.m. I grab my things and walk out of the rink. I toss my stick up as I make my way to my truck. When I look up, I see Star standing against the hood. I feel a rush of excitement as I approach her. As I get closer, I drop my things as she runs into my arms. "Congratulations." She smiles.

"Thank you," I kiss her, "I can't believe you came."

"I thought about it and realised I couldn't miss it," she says, and I take a moment just holding her in my arms.

"Where's your Jeep?"

"I walked; the rink's not too far from the house."

"Get in; I'll drive you home."

She gets in the truck as I put my stuff in the bed. I get in, grab her face, and kiss her. "You have no idea how happy I am to see you. Just before I stepped on the ice, I truly thought you weren't coming, but then I saw you, and I felt calm."

"I couldn't miss it. And I promise to never miss one. Even at away games, I will drive to wherever you are and be there." she smiles.

"God, I love you," I say as I kiss her again. My tongue parts our mouths. I savour the taste of her lips and the warmth of her breath as we kiss passionately, lost in each other's embrace. Every touch and every moment with her feels like a sweet addiction that I never want to give up.

Our moment is broken when I hear my team walk out, shouting, "PARTY TIME!" I begin to laugh and look at Star. "I would rather spend the night with you celebrating our win." I smile, she smacks my arm, and she says,

"You go have fun with the team, and plus, I'm only two doors down." She gives me a sultry smirk.

"Let's go, Gage." I turn my head to Ace, who is throwing his stuff in his car, "I need a drink." He shouts.

I roll my eyes and start my truck. I take Star's hand into mine and kiss her palm. My eyes on the road ahead of me, and the team following behind. I ask her if it's okay if I park behind her again, and she nods, giving me permission.

As we drive down the road, I hear her name being called in the distance. Ace flashes his high beams behind me, indicating he hears it too. I put my hand out the window, telling him to speed up as I put my foot down on the accelerator. I drive up our street and quickly turn into her driveway.

"Star, open up. I know your home. Your fucking Jeep is outside." The man yells as he bangs on her front door.

Star looks over and shrinks into her seat. "Oh, my god."

"Is that?" I ask with anger, which is starting to fill me. She nods. I cut the engine and tell her to stay in the truck.

"No," she says, "I've got this." She gets out and walks toward him. He begins yelling at her, and she responds. I watch as she tries to walk into her house, but he grips her arm. I see the pain in her face as she shouts. "You're hurting me." She tries to shake him off, but he begins to laugh.

"What are you going to do?" He threatens, "Have one of your many fuckboys come save you." I can see the hurt in her eyes, and I've heard enough. I jump out and head toward Levi, with the rest of my pack behind me. Laura grabs Star and pulls her away, trying to comfort her after I witness Star slam her left fist into Levi's jaw.

"Didn't I tell you to fuck off?" I say as I walk toward him.

He turns to face us and says, "Oh, you must be the one who keeps answering her phone." His eyes darken.

"Actually, it was us three." Ace says from beside me, pointing to me, himself, and Keenan.

He begins to laugh. "So, after we broke up, she became a whore."

Anger pools within me. "You don't get to talk about her like that," I say as I step closer, "and you don't get to look at her ever again. Now I'm going to say this one more time. Fuck off, and don't ever come back."

His fist collides with my jaw, and I wipe my mouth. I look at him, and my eyes begin to shift. I can feel the anger boiling inside me, and I know I won't be able to hold back for much longer. I take a deep breath and clench my fists. My fist collides with his head, and it takes one blow for him to be down. I grab the collar of his shirt and punch him once more. "Don't ever come near her again." I growl. I let him go as I feel Star's hand grab my arm.

I look over at her, and her eyes plead with me. "I don't need you to get into trouble," she says. I take a deep breath and nod. Her arms wrap around my torso, and I hold her close. I look at Ace and motion my head. The guys pick him up and start dragging Levi away from us.

"I'm sorry," I tell her.

"Don't be. I've never had anyone defend me like that."

"I told you I would protect you. I love you and always will." I take a look at her arm and see the bruise beginning to appear.

"I'm okay," she says as a tear escapes down her cheek. I take my thumb and wipe it away. As I lean in to kiss her, his voice echoes in the air.

"You're a whore, Star. A sad girl who will fall for anyone's lies just so they can get in your pants." Levi spews.

"Gage, don't!" she screams.

I shake her off me and walk toward him, hitting him three times across his face and a few times in his stomach as Keenan and Kai drag him away.

"You know what to do." I tell them. They nod their heads and take him away.

I walk back to Star, and I see her tremble. "I'm not going to party with the guys. All I want to do is shower and hold you close." She looks up at me as I rub her arms.

"No, go have fun with your team. You've earned it. Plus, Laura is here with me. We will just chill and have a girls night. But you can shower with me." She smiles and bites her lower lip.

"I like that idea." I tell her to start the shower while I run home and grab some clothes.

As I enter my place, Ace informs me that Keenan and Kai have taken Levi to the cellar. "Good. He's the next sacrifice." I look at him, and curiosity covers his face. "Turn Laura the next full moon and use Levi as the sacrifice. She won't hesitate to kill him."

"You're the Alpha." He says as he heads to his room. I walk into mine, grab my clothes, and head back to Star's. I know what needs to be done, but it doesn't make it any easier. As I make my way to Stars, my mind is consumed with thoughts of what's to come. I can't help but wonder if Laura will truly be willing to kill Levi, or if she'll hesitate at the last moment. It's a risk we have to take, but it's still a risk nonetheless.

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