Chapter 15- Star

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The sound of laughter fills the hallway, waking me up. I rub my face and get out of bed. I peek through the window and see the sun shining brightly. I stretch my arms and take a deep breath, feeling grateful for another day. I quickly brush my teeth and splash water on my face to wake me up. I walk out to the kitchen to see Ace kissing up on Laura. "Ugh," I say as I grab a mug from the cupboard.

"Good morning, princess!" Ace laughs. I roll my eyes and pour myself a cup of coffee. "Morning, jerk." I respond coldly, leaning against the counter. He kisses Laura once more and tells her he will see her later. "See you later, Star." I roll my eyes as he walks away.

Laura is about to open her mouth, and I put my hand up. "It's too early," I say and walk away, then head to my room. It's six a.m., and I just want to go back to bed. I close the door and sit on my bed. My phone rings, and I look at the screen. I smile as I realise Gage is calling me.

"Hello?" I answer, still feeling sleepy.

"Hey, beautiful." He says.

"Morning." I smile.

"I missed you last night." My heart swells when he says that.

"I missed you too," I tell him, he responds, his voice soft and warm. "I wish you were here with me." I can feel my cheeks flush as I imagine him lying next to me. I respond, "I wish I was there with you too."

"So I was thinking, after hockey practice today, could we hang out? Just you and me?"

"Yeah, I would love that."

"I'll call you after practice, beautiful."

"Okay. Have fun." I hang up, clenching the phone in my hand against my chest, and smile like an idiot before heading to the shower. I stand as the water flows over me, eventually turning cold, and I'm stuck shaving my legs in the cold water. As I finish up, I quickly dry off and get dressed, hoping to warm up.

I sit on my bed and turn the TV on. I scroll through the channels and stop on the news as a picture of a girl is posted in the left corner. I watch as her mother cries on national television about the animal attack that took her daughter's life. They believe it's a mountain lion. My mind goes back to last night as I remember the pack of wolves. Wolves that had eyes that glowed. I wonder if it's possible that the wolves were mistaken for a mountain lion or if there could be both a mountain lion and a pack of wolves in the area. Either way, it's clear that something dangerous is lurking in the wilderness. Laura knocks on my door, and I ask her what she thinks about this news report.

"Do you think it could be wolves?" I ask her.

"Wolves?" She starts to laugh. "And you're the smart one out of us. Wolves don't live in this territory; you should know that."

"I swear I heard howling last night. I even went out to investigate the sound. I swear, Laura, I saw a pack of wolves."

She shakes her head. "You were probably dreaming. You're so invested in the mysteries of this university that you are dreaming of finding something."

"I wasn't dreaming." I yell, "When I came back, Ace followed right behind me." Laura looks at me skeptically. "Ace? My boyfriend?" She rolls her eyes. "No. He was with me all night. I promise you that." She believes in her own words. Her confident tone and unwavering eye contact suggest that she is telling the truth, and her loyalty to Ace is evident in her willingness to vouch for his whereabouts.

"Whatever," I say, turning the channel to anything but the news.

"Okay, well, I'm going out before the boys get back from practice. I need a new dress for this mixer," she smiles. "Maybe you shouldn't show up to it; after all, Saturday is a full moon." She teases me. I grab my pillow and throw it at her. She laughs as she closes my door. I smile and shake my head, knowing that her teasing is just her way of showing she cares.

As soon as she leaves, I decide to spend the day cleaning. As much as I love Laura, she's such a messy person. I turn up the music, start with the kitchen, and make my way to the living room, finishing up by vacuuming and washing all the floors. After all is said and done, I'm tired. I start the shower and allow the hot water to run over my body. This is my second shower of the day, but I don't mind; the water calms me. I close my eyes, and Gage's face pops into my mind. It's almost as if I can feel his arms around me.

I sigh and turn off the shower, wrapping myself in a fluffy towel. I search my closet for something to wear. I pull out a bright red tank top and a pair of dark denim shorts. I slip into my favourite sandals, grab my sunglasses, and decide to distract myself by reading a book, but I can't seem to focus. My mind keeps wandering back to Gage.

Just before heading out the door, I pour myself a tall glass of iced coffee. The sun is shining brightly as I take a seat on the front porch. I open the book and get comfortable in my seat. I get lost in the story as I turn the pages, the characters come to life, and the plot thickens, transporting me to a different world where time seems to stand still. The book becomes my escape from reality, and I am grateful for the temporary reprieve it offers. The vivid descriptions and intricate details make me feel like I am a part of the story, experiencing every emotion and adventure alongside the characters. It's a magical feeling that only a good book can provide.

I smile as I hear the low rumble of Gage's truck drives by me. Gage's truck passes me and enters his driveway with a low rumble, and Ace follows closely behind, pulling up next to him and parking. I take a sip of my iced coffee and watch a shirtless Gage open the bed of his truck. I can see the sweat on his face and chest as it drips down his abs.

As I chew the straw of my drink, I whisper to myself, "Hello, hot stuff." Ace hops out of his car and joins Gage at the back of the truck, and I can hear them discussing something animatedly. I can't help but wonder what they're up to, but for now, I'm content just enjoying the view.

My phone rings, and I look at my screen. I look up at Gage, who is smiling.

I'm going to shower quickly and then head over. The text reads.

Okay, but you look hot all sweaty. I respond, attempting to be flirty. Gage chuckles and winks at me, making my heart skip a beat. His muscular arms glisten in the sun, and I can't resist admiring his built physique. As he turns to head into his house, he grabs his phone. I can't help but follow his every move with my eyes. The thought of being alone with him triggers a rush of excitement within me.

Oh, yeah. Well, you look pretty sexy from where I'm standing. I read the text and blush. I put my head down and bite my lower lip. He does something to me that I can't explain. I can feel my heart racing and my palms getting sweaty. I can't wait to see him and feel his touch.

My mind races with anticipation as I think about our upcoming date. I wonder what we'll do, where we'll go, and what he'll say. The butterflies in my stomach grow stronger with each passing moment. I can't help but smile at the thought of being with him.

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