Chapter 40- Gage

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The next three weeks have been filled with school, assignments, practice and trying to find time to be with Star. We all realised that Laura spends more time at my place with Ace then she does at home and that I spend more time with Star then I do in my own room. So we decided to move some things and now I'm living with Star. I still have stuff at my place but the majority of my clothes and daily needs are here. Laura still comes over once in a while to grab something and we all spend at least two or three days a week together.

As much as I love living with her, I haven't been on a run for a while, and my adrenaline is kicking in and my inner wolf is telling me I'm going to lose control if I don't get out. I text Ace, and he comes up with a boys night on the full moon, as I need to be present for it. The full moon this month lands on a Sunday, meaning the night before is the formal dance, and I have no idea how we are going to pull this off.

Friday night arrives, and I'm pumped for tonight's game against Lakewood. I kiss Star goodbye, and she informs me she will follow shortly and that she just needs to finish typing up her essay. I walk out her door and throw my equipment in the bed of my truck.

Arriving at the arena two hours before the game kills me every time, but it's worth it. Coach has us do warm ups, which consist of running around the rink, whether it be rain, sun, or snow; we're out there doing laps. The warm ups help us get our blood flowing and mentally prepare for the game ahead. It also gives us time to bond as a team and discuss our game plan.

As the team and I run our final laps, we see the bus pull in and park. Lakewood Lycans painted across it. Ace grabs my shoulder and tries to calm me down. I shake him off and continue running. We head back into the arena for a breather and some water. We all sit in the locker room and talk about the pack's entry into our territory.

Ace looks at me with concern and asks if I'm okay. I nod and take a deep breath before joining in on the conversation. Ace's phone goes off, and he informs me that the girls are here. A smile crosses my face, and I get up. Ace follows as we head toward the front doors of the arena, all eyes on us. As we walk, I can't help but laugh at all the girls who are wearing a copy of my jersey. The smell of vanilla fills the air, and I stop as I hear the conversation outside.

"Hey, gorgeous," Zion says.

"Um, hi?" Star looks unamused, and I can't help but let out a little laugh. "Do I know you?" She continues.

"Wait, you have no clue who we are?" He says, being dramatic.

"Hmm. You all must be the Lakewood Lycans." She states.

"So you have heard of us." He shows a cocky smile.

"Oh, wow, I'm honoured to be in the presence of such esteemed individuals," she says with a heavy amount of sarcasm. "I mean, who hasn't heard of you guys, right? You're like the Kardashians but with less talent." She begins to laugh, saying, "Well, I'm going in to support my boyfriend; good luck tonight." She turns to walk away, and Zion grabs her arm. Anger pools within me, and I walk out the doors. "Who's your boyfriend?"

"I am." I growl.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here, Gage Moon." He begins, "It looks like you've got a sexy little thing."

I push Star behind me and step toward him. "What the fuck do you want?" I question him.

"Well, for starters, we're going to kill you guys on your own home ice." He looks at Star and says, "Then I'm going to take your girl home with me."

I clench my fists. My heart races as I try to control my anger and frustration. He looks down and laughs. "Now, now, Gage, we don't want you to have a suspension before the game even starts."

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