Chapter 45 - Star

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Laura, Ace, and I are in the middle of a conversation as all the candidates for the dance team warm up. The double doors open, and I turn to see Gage and the hockey team. All the girls in the gym gasp as they make their way to the floor. Gage walks up to me and hands me a cup of coffee. I smile and thank him. I place it on the stage, and Laura begins to speak.

"Welcome everyone. So today we have two dance routines that you will learn. Once we have taught you, you will all be given a chance to show us what you got. Ace, Star, and myself will go around, and if we tap your shoulder, you're out. Sorry, try again next year. The same process will be repeated for the duet dance, where you will be paired up with a partner. If you are tapped out, you leave, and your partner takes a seat on the stage." She looks around and says, "Alright, I want everyone to line up. I want about four rows so we can easily make our way through."

The students move around, and I take the floor. "Alright, I'm Star, and I'll be teaching you guys the individual routine. Step by step. Then it's all up to you. Ready?" They all shout, and I begin teaching them. The next step was adding the music. Finally, it came down to just them showing us what they could do.

The music starts, and I cross my arms and watch everyone. Ace whispers to me, and I nod my head. He walks to the floor and starts tapping people out. My eyes look over to Gage, and he licks his lips as he looks at me. He obviously did pay attention, and he's good. I whisper to Laura, and she agrees. We walk out together and tap out the last of the people for the first round.

"Great job, everyone. Take a water break, and we will get to the second dance in just a few moments." Laura states.

I sit on the stage and cross out the dancers who were tapped out. "Okay, so if we are taking sixteen dancers, we have to be careful who we eliminate." I say.

"Well, obviously, it seems most of the hockey team will make it. We've got moves." Ace smiles.

"There's no doubt about that, but we need to make sure they are paired with girls who can keep up with them and vice versa." I tell him. "At the end, only about seven of you will be picked.

"True." He says as I start to write down the names of the people I'm sure of.

Gage? Star

Ace Laura







I show the list to them, and they agree. We give everyone a chance to make sure. Laura and Ace step on the floor, and Ace says, "Alright. I need everyone to pair up."

All the girls run toward Gage, and he stumbles back. I roll my eyes, and Laura shouts. "Enough. This isn't a dating show. Pick someone and let's get started."

One girl links her arm around Gage's—the same girl from the first day of school. Sasha. She looks over at me and waves. I smile and wave back. The look on Gage's face is priceless, as he is stuck dancing with her.

Laura and Ace begin to teach the steps, and then we allow them to show us. The music starts, and we watch. We start making our way around and tapping people out. I walk toward Gage. Sasha stops and looks at me. She rolls her eyes and says, "You can't tap him out just because he's your boyfriend; he's a great dancer."

"Oh, I know. I'm tapping you out. Bye sweetheart." I smile. Gage presses his lips together and holds back a laugh as he walks to the stage. The music stops, and we are left with the sixteen members.

"Congratulations everyone. There is only one more step. I need all of you on the floor as we pair partners with the best chemistry together. Star and I will pair with someone other than our boyfriends so we can actually be included. As much as we love our boys, we may not be compatible with them during a dance."

"So, let's get started." Kai walks up to me, and I smile and say, "Let's do this."

As we get halfway through the dance, Ashley stops and says, "I don't feel it with Keenan."

"Alright, good. Let's all move down one partner and see. If you feel good, go sit on the stage with them." I look over and see Laura and Gage. I laugh, as I know this is going to be a disaster. The music plays, and Keenan and Britney go sit down. We all move down one more partner, and I am now with Ace, and Laura is now with Johnson.

The music starts, and as his body presses against mine, we both begin to laugh. We laugh so hard that we both fall to the floor. I cover my mouth and shake my head. He takes my hand and helps me up. "That was so weird." He says, and I nod.

"Alright, let's move down one more." I smile as I walk up to Gage. "This should be fun." I chuckle. I don't expect him to be the one who pairs with me, but it would be nice. The music plays, and Gage's body presses against mine. I feel my heart racing as we move in sync, and I can't help but smile at how effortless it feels. I glance up at him, and he gives me a small smile. He takes my hand, and we move to the stage. I grab the clipboard and start writing all the pairs down.

Gage Star

Keenan Britney

Kai Mandy

Johnson Ashley

Lincoln Sarah

Hunter Courtney

Harlen Ryann

And last but not least,

Ace and Laura

We all sit around and talk for a while, getting to know each other a little more. Laura and I invite the girls over for a night. Gage looks at me and says, "What the hell? Where am I supposed to go?"

"Back with Ace for a night." I smile. He sighs in defeat. "Fine." I look at the list one last time, and sigh with contentment. I look around the gym and smile. I feel proud of myself for accomplishing this. Gage leans in and kisses me. I allow his lips to linger before pulling away.

"Thank you for helping me with this," I say to Gage. "I couldn't have done it without you." He nods and takes my hand. "Anytime, babe," he says with a smile. He stands in front of me as I stay seated on the stage. He moves himself in between my legs and wraps his arms around my shoulders. I lean my head on his chest. Feeling relaxed that he is with me. He smiles at me and his eyes twinkle, showing me the love he has for me. He licks his lips and leans in to kiss me. He never cares who's around, he loves to show how much he cares for me. We pull away, and I blush, he winks before leaving. My heart melts as I watch him walk off with the boys. 

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