setting a victim free

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(art by my pumpkin crowsong on YouTube, Tumblr, and Wattpad {Rainbowstar772} )
(Tw: mentions/hints of rape)

Alaska pov

I was still being held like 30ft in the air as dad kicked Rhode Island to his room. He put me down and sighed looking a bit off and worried.
Alaska:"What's wrong dad?"
I asked, pretty worried...
America:"nothing Alaska, you're too young to understand"
I huff, he sighed and went off to his room.
I went off to my room to try to make dad feel better.
I pace around to think of something....
OH! I can make him a ring, he won't mind me using his art room right?
I rush off to his art room and see some goopy stuff, a ring mold, glitter, and colorful beads! Art isn't my thing so I don't know that much, but I do know a lot about how to make jewelry. I used to sneak out at night and break into a library that had a book in Russian about how to make jewelry!
I crack my fingers, roll up my sleeves, grab some gloves and safety goggles, and start to help myself to what I have my hands on.
Going around I figure out what this goop is, well more so on how it works. I mix glitter into it along with some heart shaped pieces of glass I found!
Once I got it into the mold I carefully stuck some beads on top and put this weird glowy thing in it which made it turn hard!
Quickly I run off to go to my dad's room
No response
Alaska:"Dad are you in there?"
Still no response
Alaska:"If you don't want to talk that's ok..."
Then the door opened
America:"Sorry Ask, I couldn't hear you! What is it?"
Alaska:"I know you don't like it when people sneak into the art room but I wanted to make you something so you'd feel better! So I messed with the weird goop you have and made a ring!"
I gave it to him and he smiled.
America:"It's beautiful sweetie"
I smile and clap a bit.
This reminds me of some old memories...
He kissed me on the forehead, put on the ring, and went back to his room. He's becoming a hermit.
I skipped off to my room to play with chicken, my pet Chicken!

America pov

Alaska is so sweet, even if she didn't like me at first I'm still her parent. Although I do sometimes think she wishes to see her biological father again, I'll try to tell her that he doesn't like kids and regrets even trying to be a parent.
I sigh and go back to finding ideas on how to fake her suicide while she's drugged.... She's smaller than Poland who's 4'10 so she's probably like 4'8? I can hang her from a show head in the girls shower room- I have to go into the girls shower room- oooh boy.... It's before school and she'll be drugged, no one will notice or know. It'll be kinda awkward but still. I know how to tie a noose and if I can figure out her hand writing I can possibly forge a suicide note, hopefully like the woman said, this investigation will take a few days so this I should have enough time to do this.
Writing down the plan and considering what I should do with my next victim, don't know much about him other than he seems to just not like Russia? Don't know the reason, maybe he just doesn't like Russians?
If that's the case then I'm definitely going to make his death slow. My daughter is Russian, and I refuse to have her heritage disrespected.
But back to Timor-Leste. I have to make sure that Spain isn't there when I hang her, otherwise I'll have to make a quick change to the plan and probably get caught. I'll probably have to get there far more early than her and use my spiderman shit to hide.
I should probably take a shower.
So that's what I do.
The warm water is comforting, especially now since I'm using some girl's current and ongoing trauma to fake her suicide. As well as how this is going to ruin Mexico....
I sigh and continue my shower.
Getting out once I'm all clean I dry off and get changed, I would ask if this is what lady Macbeth felt but then I remember that I'm not hallucinating that my hands are covered in blood, I'm just feeling the guilt of what I'm going to do on basically my entire body. I just have to remember that it's for a good cause, keeping me as the only one who can hate Russia and keeping Russia as the only one who can hate me. I don't know why I'm so obsessed over that, but it's a thrill to see the hatred in his eyes when he looks at me and amazing when I get to give that same look!
It's getting late so I should take my nightly walk before the spy gets suspicious. The spy is Alaska because she is the most nosy state of them all, the girl tracked New York's period for goodness sake! Without knowing that's what she was tracking. She dug in trash cans, labeled dates, and even had Wyoming try to test the blood. They didn't get much from that. Then I found and told her.
We roasted strawberry marshmallows that day.
She cried.
I grab a jacket and put it on before going out!
August is about to end and fall is about to begin!
Jazz hands!✨
I walk out and see Alaska drunk and passed out on the couch. She drank too much. God damnit.
Well at least she'll be sleeping tonight, when was the last time I slept..... I'll sleep once she's dead, I'll be at relief by then!
I walk out the door and go to the woods to walk down there. Only to almost have a thing of water thrown at me.
America:"UGH! What the hell- oh it's you"
Russia:"oh shit- listen as much as I hate you, I wasn't going for you. Cuba ran this direction and-"
Then he had water dumped on him from the tree.
Russia:"You little asshole, I'm gonna get you for that!"
America:"You're a full grown adult, stop acting like a child."
He went silent at that
America:"Mad that I called you out?"
Russia:"Get the fuck away from me you useless French and British piece of shit. All you do is cause problems, your people suck, your kids probably suck, and I would say you suck but you're far worse. I'll see you in hell."
I was expecting him to hit me but he just walked away with Cuba flipping me off as they left.
Weird. Really weird.
This is the same man that Israel wants to have a kid with.
She really is that naive to date and want a kid with someone like that.
I roll my eyes and continue to walk.
Tomorrow I figure out how she writes and kill her the next day.
I made it to the bottom of the hill from the night before.
I go up and see broken glass and a wine stained picnic basket, guess Spain really tried to make it romantic but failed and ended up having to deal with self defense or Timor-Leste trying to flee the scene. Either way, things didn't go his way which probably made him aggressive.
Shame, it really is....
I go down the hill and walk back home.
Coming in I see Alaska still drunk and passed out on the couch, only Wyoming is now with her now, both asleep. It's adorable how close they are.
Seeing them sleep makes me wanna sleep.
I go to my room and take some melatonin
Grabbing the big ol' fluffy pillow I own, I lay down, put the blankets over me, snuggle up to the pillow, and fall asleep.

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