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The woman looked up at the sky.

The moon was full, sitting alone in a throne of darkness, a haloed orb dooming the stars to oblivion.

Its glow fell like silver dust on the world. A cloud floated by, blurring the sharp silhouette of the circle, but failing to efface the light.

The woman kept her eyes on the moon, but her visions stole her sight.

Cold chilled her to the bone, though it was not cold that made her shiver.

The moon emerged, radiant and proud, a queen in the kingdom of the night.

Just like the moon, it was time they emerged once more. It would all begin with that child, and the world would know true power as it had ages ago.

The halo shimmered, slowly tinging pink, then blood red. Crimson seeped to the moon, turning it to a pond of blood.

She blinked, and the moon was as it should be once again. A sigh slipped past her lips, thick fog in the bitter night.

"It is time."

--- ---- ---

Hey guys! New story!

This one has been sitting in my laptop for years. I wrote it way before I wrote any of the other stories currently posted on Wattled. So if you notice that the writing is a little off, do excuse me! (this prologue is written very recently, though. that's why it'll feel different compared to the other chapters.)

I'm insecure about it, but I thought that sharing it with you is better than having it sit unread on my laptop, collecting dust.

I'll try to edit as I post, but there's only so much I can do to make it decent. But I hope you enjoy it!

Much love <3 <3 <3


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