Chapter 28

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Tomorrow I was taking Orla to the pack. But I had promised to take her out today. I realized we had never been outside campus aside from the time we went to the doctor's. I wanted to spend more time with her away from the confines of school and all the looks and the whispers. I wanted to see her unique eyes turn wide with wonder and curiosity. I wanted to show her the world and be there for every one of her first experiences.

I'd thought I was more excited than she was. But seeing her skip down the stairs with a perky expression and a grin, I doubted it. Her hair flowed down to her waist in bouncy waves, and her figure was hidden away in an oversized sweater and jeans.

"Ready?" I asked, standing up from the island stool. I had gone to change in my cabin. I still hadn't moved my things to her room as she asked. I was over the moon when she did, I doubted she even realized what a big step that was. She was letting me in in every way that counted, and I couldn't be happier.

"Yep! Let me just put some food out for Gray. Haley had him last. But he might drop by here."

She walked over to me after filling the pup's bowl and changing his water. I cocked my head with a frown. There was something wrong. An annoying buzz came from around her neck. I eyed the necklace she wore and it clicked.

"Is that a new necklace?" I asked, pushing her hair behind her back without touching the jewelry.

She looked down at it with a soft, nostalgic smile, sliding the pendant back and forth. It was a wing. The feathers were intricately drawn. Every one of them looked almost alive. But I couldn't enjoy the beauty of it because it was giving me a headache.

"Actually, no," she said. "I had it with me ever since I was a baby. The orphanage mistress told me it was the only item with me when they found me. Well, this and a sheet of paper stating my name. I don't wear it much because I'm afraid I'll lose it."

There was a sadness in her eyes when she talked about her past. It must feel terrible, knowing she'd been abandoned by her own parents. I nudged her chin with my finger and she smiled.

"It's silver," I said.

Orla blinked at me then down at the necklace with a cute frown. "Really? I didn't know. How can you tell?"

"Because it's giving me a little headache," I said. "Silver is kryptonite to supernaturals."

"What?" she said, wide eyed.

"You know how we heal quickly," I said. "Silver wounds are the exception. They might not even heal if they're not tended to. And a high dose of liquid silver injected in our blood stream could be fatal."

She stepped back and fumbled with the clasp of the necklace, looking at it like it was a WMD. "I'll put it back in its box."

She disappeared up the stairs.

A silver necklace. It was pure silver, too. My head still hurt from the irritating buzz.

Pure silver... Hmm.

*** **** ***

"So, is silver bad for all supernaturals?" Orla asked when we were driving out of campus. The wind rustled the trees on either side of the road, but the sky was cloudless.

"Yeah," I said, then corrected myself, "Well, all supernaturals that still exist."

"What do you mean?" she asked, turning slightly in her seat, her expression eager.

"There are two supernatural species that went extinct a long time ago. Remember the story I told you about how mates came to be?"

"Yeah, the one about Zenas, the first werewolf, and the moon goddess."

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