Chapter 24

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Ezra's POV.

I walked away from her without glancing back, because I knew the moment I did, I would go back to her side. Remembering how she tasted almost stopped me in my tracks. She had to be what heaven tasted like, and I couldn't get enough.

The first time I had kissed her, I could have sworn I no longer had my feet on this earth. I had been so afraid I was moving too fast for her, but then she kissed me back and I was the happiest creature on earth.

She made me happy. After years of misery and despair, she made me happy again. Her mere presence soothed my pain and filled the cracks of my broken soul with hope, melding it together with her endless affection and unconditional forgiveness.

Although I would never forgive myself for making the decision to lock away her memories. That stupid decision made her go through a horrendous experience, and I wished I could take it back.

When Blake had linked me and said that they had taken her, a million horrible thoughts went through my head at once. Zander and Zariah's lifeless bodies. My mother's unmoving and pale face, still as a corpse. Blood and death.

My anger and fear had taken over my mind, and a red haze blanketed my senses. For the first time in my life, I understood how wolves could go rogue after losing their mate. Only the knowledge that she needed me kept me hanging onto my sanity with bloodied fingers. Tracking her scent through the rain was difficult, but I did it, and I found that bastard's hands all over her. I couldn't even remember the exact moment I'd attacked him. One moment I found them, the next I was tearing apart his limbs. I was only glad I had the presence of mind to leave his heart and head for last so he could feel everything I put him through.

Just thinking about it now made me wish I could bring him back to life just so I could kill him all over again, more slowly.

I shifted to my fur and zipped through the woods as soon as I reached the boundary that she could go through like it was the most natural thing in the world.

My miracle.

She could do things that made a vampire older than life itself speechless. Vlad was intrigued, to say the least. He wanted to meet the human who could go beyond magical boundaries and break through compulsions. A human who defied all logic our world was based on and slammed our beliefs against the wall.

"Sir." A warrior nodded, handing me a pair of black shorts when I shifted back at the edge of the trees. The color of my clothes was something I'd taken for granted for years. It was something I'd thought would never change, like the constant weight of grief on my heart. But she changed even that. She painted my life in colors after years of darkness.

I could smell my father, uncle Zane, Sam and Hayden before I saw them, waiting for me at the entrance of the underground cells. The building looked like a one story shack, but it stretched underground into a dungeon.

Hayden's eyes flickered away. I pushed down my annoyance. I hoped Sam had talked to him, because even though I considered him a member of my family, I wouldn't hesitate to tear him apart if he made a move on my mate.

The way he looked at her put me on edge. Like she was the most intriguing creature he'd ever seen. She probably was, but it was more than simple curiosity. There was an emotion in his eyes when he looked at her, a softness that wasn't like Sam's brotherly affection. The guilt that swirled in his eyes the night of the barbecue after I caught him staring was proof enough.

She was mine and it would do him good to remember that.

"Ezra, about time," Sam said, the knowing glint in his eyes particularly irritating this morning. He liked getting under my skin, but was rarely successful. After Orla came along, though, he'd found the exact buttons to push.

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