Chapter 36

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Orla's POV

After Ezra left to the pack house, I went upstairs to Wren's room. It was dark, so I turned on the faint glow of the bedside lamp, took a seat on the chair next to the bed and held her hand in mine.

She was cold, her face colorless. I gripped her hand, concern and helplessness weighing down my heart.

Closing my eyes, I focused on the bond. It was there, strong and pulsing with emotion. Ezra had been worried when his father linked him. I hoped there was nothing wrong.

I had already felt his emotions a few of times before, but it been weak compared to what I felt now. When the bond first snapped into place yesterday, I couldn't believe that the intensity of that love and affection was all for me. I'd known he loved me, but feeling it was a whole new experience.

I had never felt so loved before in my life.

And I had never loved someone more in my life.

Blinking my eyes open, I talked to Wren. "Today I had my blood drawn. We'll use it and see if it helps the vampire rogue." I smiled, caressing Wren's bony knuckles. "Apparently, my blood is special, although I have no idea why. But I really hope it helps."

The bond suddenly throbbed. Pain and longing and grief. My throat closed up and my heart ached. There was only one reason Ezra would feel that way.

I reached out to him, wanting to ask him what was wrong. But I couldn't. The mind link was within reach, but I just couldn't seem to touch it.

"I'm fine, baby. Don't worry," he said, trying to control his feelings.

If only I could do something to ease his pain. Anything.

My eyes snapped to Wren.

I couldn't raise the dead, but Wren was still alive. Maybe...

The thought was completely ludicrous. But I closed my eyes and focused on our linked hands. As long as Wren lay motionless on this bed, Ezra would continue to feel that heart-wrenching pain. Unless I did something about it.

Blake got his wolf back. Drake grew his fang in weeks. Noah was more lucid when I was near. Maybe... just maybe...

I reached for that odd energy that sometimes sparked to life in my chest. It took me a few minutes to find the spark. It felt as though it was asleep. I put all my mind to it, and pictured it coming to life.

The spark expanded and filled my chest, tightening it until I couldn't draw a breath. That odd energy swelled and swirled, squirming as if trying to get loose of something. I visualized how it moved and flowed, pulling it from deep within until I could feel it coursing through my veins.

The energy flowed from my body through our linked hands to Wren. Behind my closed lids, I imagined a flow of pure water. I tugged and tugged from deep within me.

Pain abruptly shot in my chest, so sharp and intense. It was like the energy broke part of something that was holding it back.

Twisting pain. Pain that made the bond groan and whine. I tried to push it away, I didn't want to alarm Ezra, but I couldn't just ignore the pain. Still, I kept tugging at the energy.

It was part of me. It felt like it had always been there but was locked away, deep where I couldn't reach it.

I pushed through the pain, stars covered my closed lids and a whistling deafened my ears. I focused on channelling the energy to Wren. I could do this. I had to do this.

I can do it.

I pushed and pushed until the pain decreased, and the energy flowed smoothly out of me and into her.

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