Chapter 40

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"It'll be fine," Ezra said, standing up. "Nothing will happen."

"Right." I swung my backpack over my shoulder. Ezra walked me down and opened the front door for me.

"I'll see you later," I smiled, walking past him.

He slapped my backside.

I whirled around, wide eyed. "Did you just... slap my butt?" I whispered, holding my butt. It was just a little pat, but my face felt like it was going to explode.

He smiled. "It was just a little love pat."

"I can't believe-"

"Blake is waiting for you," he said, nodding his head outside. I glanced over. Sure enough, Blake was waiting for me on the sidewalk, looking uncomfortable. Oh my God, please tell me he didn't hear us. There were also other people around going to class.

I scowled at Ezra. "You'll pay for it," I linked him and walked out.

"Looking forward to it, babe," he called out, loud and clear for everyone to hear. Smoke must be coming out of my head. I was going to kill him!

"Let's go," I whispered to Blake, keeping my head down.

"What happened to you?" he asked, clearly suppressing laughter.

"Nothing," I squeaked, quickening my steps.

Blake chuckled. "Slow down. It's still early."

Early. Maybe I should have stayed back a little so Ezra and I could- Aaaah! What was I thinking?! I was turning into a lewd Orla!

I slowed my pace and put my hands on my cheeks. They were burning. Blake was kind enough to distract me by bringing up our class. The subject soon chased thoughts of Ezra and his shenanigans out of my head.

We reached the crowded quad of the university. Sunlight painted everything in gold, and people's laughter and voices swallowed the sound of the woods around.

We were just passing by a group of students to get to our building when someone bumped into me.

Oh, not again... Blake's hand grabbed my arm to keep me from faceplanting to the ground. Joanna walked by, snickering with her friends. Alright. Enough is enough.

"Hey!" I called and when she didn't turn, I called louder, "Joanna!"

She stopped and turned to me with a raised brow. "Yes?"

"Do you mind telling me why you manage to bump into me every time you pass by? it's a little too much for a coincidence," I said, ignoring the gazes of the students arounds us who had stopped walking and talking to see what was happening.

"And who said it's a coincidence?" she said haughtily, taking a few steps towards me, her cronies shadowing her. My brows shot up to my hairline as I blinked at her.

"And why would you do that?" I asked calmly. "Do you have something against me?"

She scoffed. "Of course I do! You think you can just waltz in here and play queen while you don't even deserve to breathe the same air we do."

Wow. "Is it because I'm not one of you-"

"Oh, no. It has nothing to do with what you are. It's about what you've done. You made everyone believe you're the innocent little human girl, while in fact you're nothing but a murderer," she spat out.

My blood ran cold. Oh God, please no...

The crowd surrounding us broke into hot whispers. Joanna grinned and looked around. "Yes, people. You heard me right. She's a murderer. I know people from the town she came from. Starhill. Isn't that right, queen?"

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