Chapter 22

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My hands shook. It felt like looking death in the eyes.

A hand curled around mine, stealing my attention away from the vampires. Ezra gripped my hand tightly, his eyes scanning the vampires.

"Don't worry," he said. Right. That was easier said than done when a horde of vampires were looking at me like I was their next meal.

A dark blur appeared in front of the car's headlights. My eyes widened. A wolf. He jumped on one of the vampires. More four legged beasts materialized out of the woods and joined the scene in front of us.


The six big wolves attacked the vampires with ruthless accuracy, painting the peaceful night red.

A seat belt clicked open. I tugged on Ezra's hand, my heart pounding. "Where are you going?"

He leaned closer and kissed my forehead. "I'll be right back. They're outnumbered. I gotta go help them. Lock the doors when I get out."

My hand desperately held onto his. I didn't want him to go out there. The simple thought made my stomach churn.

But the werewolves out there were his. They were fighting for us. I forced myself to let go of his hand. "Please be careful."

He smiled, his eyes proud, and walked out. I locked the doors immediately.

Ezra growled so loud the entire car shook with the sound. The vampires and the werewolves alike froze and looked at Ezra. The werewolves recovered first and took advantage of the vampires' shock, clawing and tearing apart limbs.

I held onto my seat, my heart battering my ribcage. My breath caught when Ezra jumped into the fight. He didn't shift into his wolf. He moved like dark lightning. In a flash, he was kicking a vampire's legs from beneath him. The blood sucker fell to his knees. Ezra twisted the vampire's neck and, holding him still with one foot on his back, he pulled the vampire's head with his hands, his arms straining, until the head came apart.

My God. He just ripped out a head with his bare hands. Even I knew that the sheer strength needed to behead someone with your bare hands was something out of this world.

"Leave some of them alive. Help's on the way," he shouted, and the werewolves fought with renewed vigor.

My eyes stuck to Ezra. His hand blurred as he lunged himself onto a new opponent. The vampire staggered back, a growing dark hole in his white t-shirt, and fell. Before he touched the ground, Ezra was tossing something aside and pulling another vampire off of a werewolf who was fighting two.

The vampire's pained howl echoed in the night as Ezra literally ripped off his arm. The vampire swiped a clawed hand toward Ezra, but the latter dodged it with ease and kicked the vampire's knee in. He crumpled to the ground. Ezra twisted his neck with a swift snap and kicked the limp body aside.

One of the vampires attacked Ezra from behind. I swallowed my cry; Ezra didn't need to worry about me, as well. He turned at the last moment and punched the vampire's throat, then he swiped his feet from under him and twisted his neck.

After Ezra joined the fight, everything played out in a matter of minutes, but it felt like hours. He stayed in his skin as the wolves tore into the vampires, beheading some and leaving some unconscious, until every vampire was on the ground. Either dead or surviving.

I let out a shuddering breath.

"Good job, everyone," Ezra said, wiping his bloodied hands on his pants. "I want this cleaned up immediately. More wolves are coming to help. Take the vamps that are still alive to the cells and inform the king."

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