Chapter 39

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The following morning, I dragged myself out of bed at the crack of dawn following Ezra. He had joint training with the vampires and the witches, and I wanted to see it.

I'd always thought that waking up early was overrated, but having a reason to wake up actually made it easier.

"How is the rogue? Noah?" I linked him as we made our way through the dimly lit forest. Ezra's arm was warm around my shoulders, his side emanating a considerable amount of heat.

"We went to see him yesterday. He looked better."

"Really?" It was great to be able to help someone like that.

"Yes. Really. But let's keep your blood in you for now. Sam is working with what he has, and it seems that it's enough."

"Do you think it has to do with what I am? The fact that my blood heals them, I mean."

"Maybe," he said out loud. There was a massive fallen tree trunk in front of us. Without breaking his stride, Ezra wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me against him. I held on as he leaped over the trunk and landed softly on the other side. He switched to linking as we continued our way. "We don't know much about the fae. They were creatures that kept to themselves. My grandparents might have heard something, but I don't want anyone to know about you just yet."

"Your grandparents?" I had never heard him talk about them.

He grunted. "They're touring the world. Ever since Dad took over the throne, they come to the pack for a short while before traveling again."

"Mhm." His conflicted emotions seeped through the bond. I guess he didn't like his grandparents much.

"They never liked my mom," he admitted with a sigh. "I don't know the whole story, but there was a point where my grand-father made Dad choose between the throne and her."

I gasped. "What? What happened?"

"My great-grandfather happened," he said, tightening his hold on me. His voice softened as he talked about his great grandparent. "He was the king before my grand-father, and he stood firmly by Dad's side. He revered the mate bond.

"My father was more like him than my grand-father. Eventually, everything settled down, but my grandparents still don't like Mom much. It's a long story, I'll tell you some day."

Mhm. I really wonder how Wren and Zyron got together. Their characters seemed to be opposite. That would be a nice story to hear someday.

We arrived to the training grounds when the light changed from the bluish gray of dawn to the golden shades of sunrise. The training grounds were already full. The dirt rings scattered around were busier than the last time I'd been here.

A ball of glowing red flew across a ring, from the outstretched hand of a guy to his opponent. The slender girl leapt out of the way and zipped to the guy's side in lighting speed, socking him in the kidney and sending him flying to the edge of the ring. A witch and a vampire.

Wide eyed, I followed Ezra through the rings, watching the intriguing fights. Werewolves relied mostly on strength, vampires on speed, and witches on their magic.

We stopped in the center of the training grounds. An empty ring, much larger than the others, was surrounded by a growing crowd.

"Finally, I thought you weren't showing up." Sam smirked, cracking his knuckles. Hayden, Haley, Ashley and Zach were beside him.

Hayden didn't have his usual hoodie on, just a plain white t-shirt stretched over his muscular frame. The pale color brought out his dark tan and made his blue eyes pop. A few girls in the crowd gave him appreciative looks. Hmm. I guess he was a pretty guy.

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