Chapter 7

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Ezra's POV

I almost tripped on my paws.

"Are you sure, Sam?" I asked, disbelief coloring my voice. "She's human."

"Like I said; I won't know for sure until I take a look at the vamps."

The moon spilled through the trees, a filigree of silver on the forest floor. The trees rustled as sam and I zipped by. The thought that she could have broken through a vampire's compulsion didn't fully register yet. It was impossible. I'd never heard of a human being able to do it.

But maybe Orla's memories were distorted from being high. Yes. That must be it. We'd be sure after Sam checked those bastards' memories.

My wolf was howling for the blood of those who hurt Orla. We couldn't run fast enough.

Soon, the prison peeked through the trees. A flat one story structure that stretched two levels underground. It was located a safe distance from the pack village. Two pack warriors waited for us, one of them handed me a pair of shorts when I shifted to my skin.

We ducked inside, down a dark staircase leading to the cells. The hallway underground was cold. A few light bulbs flickered on and off on the ceiling, casting our shadows on the gray stone walls.

More guards were stationed in front of the cells. They dipped their heads when we reached them.

"Let's start with James," Sam said. I nodded to one of the guards. He unlocked the cell.

The ominous creak of the door echoed in the hallway. Inside, James sat in a corner. His dark head snapped up. He scrambled to his feet, his wide eyes flickering around the room. Our cells were rather large, since we often needed the space to... deal with our prisoners.

Sam and I strolled inside. I stopped near the door because I would kill him if I got any closer.

James held up his hands. "Sam, I swear I didn't know she was with you-"

Sam's fist cut him off, cracking something in the other vampire's cheek. James staggered, holding his jaw.

"Shut it James, you know the rules about drinking from students here, yet you did it anyways. It doesn't matter if she was a friend of ours or not." Sam dusted his hands and grinned. "Or maybe it does matter. It means your punishment will be ten times worse for you and more fun for us."

I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms, letting Sam do the talking. He was better at it. James' eyes kept flickering toward me. In the darkness of the cell, their white almost swallowed the irises. They glimmered red when the faint light from the hallway hit them.

"Why don't you tell us what happened. And don't lie. I'll know, and it won't be pleasant for you," Sam said, his pale eyes glowing.

James swallowed, pressing into the corner even more if that was possible. "I saw her eating those pot brownies by accident. She was getting a little hazy and I thought I would just get a taste. I mean, she smelled so good-"

I growled. The door rattled behind me. Fur pricked my nape and arms, but I held back. We needed him in one piece. For now.

James froze, his eyes down. Sweat coated his forehead and the smell of his fear whetted my beast's appetite.

"Go on," Sam said.

"Anyway, I managed to make her follow me-"

"Willingly?" Sam asked.

"Yeah," he hesitated. Sam snarled at him. James held up his hands. "At first! She followed me willingly, I swear Sam! She was high. I told her I'd take her home and she came along. But then when she started resisting, I compelled her."

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