Chapter 49

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Ezra's POV

We stopped in a rest area to eat since it was almost noon, and we hadn't even had breakfast.

I stayed in the car with Orla, whose eyes fluttered open when the car doors closed after Hale and Vlad stepped out.

We parked away from the rest of the cars because one of the pack vehicles held our three captives. The last thing we wanted was a human snooping in and seeing a passed out one armed man and two burnt bodies. One of the warriors stood guard around the vehicles just in case.

Vlad went inside to order, and Hale checked on Hayden in the other car.

Orla yawned, her eyes still closed. "Are we home?"

"Not yet." The fact that she associated home with the pack made my heart swell.

"We're getting food," I said. "What do you want to eat?"

"Anything." She looked up at me and smiled, and it made my breath catch. "I missed you."

"I missed you, too. Baby," I said, nuzzling my nose in her hair. The bastard's smell was still there, but it was growing fainter as her body rejected the bond and she spent more time with me.

I framed her face and kissed her. God, I missed her. It hadn't even been one day and I felt like my world had been upended from the roots up then set aright again.

"You know we'll be glued by the hips from now on, right?" I asked her.

She chuckled. "We were always glued by the hips."

"Exactly," I said with an arched brow. "And the moment I left, some asshole decided it was a good idea to kidnap you."

Her smile dimmed. "What are we going to do, Ezra? If they could just pop up like that..."

"My dad will discuss it with Hale. There has to be ways to repel blood magic. It may take time, but we'll get it done. They won't be able to use it again."

She nodded, snuggling closer. I guess I wasn't the only one who wished we were glued together.

"Poor Gray," she mumbled, her eyes welling with tears.

"I'm sorry," I said. "If it's any consolation. He didn't suffer."

She sniffed and rubbed the tears off her cheeks, but her eyes were dark with grief. That bastard would pay for every tear. I would make sure of it.

After a few moments' silence, I took a deep breath. I knew the bastard hadn't gone all the way. His smell wasn't that deep on her. But that didn't mean there wasn't many other things he could've done.

"Did he- What did he do to you?" I asked.

"He just marked me," she said. "But he was planning on doing more."

She shivered, blinking hard to push back the moisture in her eyes. I wrapped her tighter in my arms, a growl rippling in my chest. That bastard's death would be a slow, torturous affair.

I really did owe Noah my life. And to think that I was so opposed to Orla giving him her blood. That would teach me to get my head out of my ass and listen to her.

"He'll never touch you again," I whispered. "I'm sorry we were late. I'm so sorry, baby."

"It's not your fault," she mumbled. "Why did he mark me? I mean, he could have know."

"Supernaturals can't produce unless there was a mark," I replied.

Her eyes widened. "I didn't know. But wait, witches can't mark each other."

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