Chapter 37

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"Wake up, child."

The whisper rang in my ear. Opening my eyes to a pre-dawn lit room, I held my breath until the echo subsided. It felt as though someone was right there whispering in my ear. As my brain woke up, that impression disappeared.

Ezra was still asleep, his arms wrapped around me and his nose in my hair. I rarely woke up before he did. His soft breathing and warmth, the bluish hue staining everything in the room, and memories of last night soon had me forgetting all about the dream.

He had been so happy yesterday. The fact that I had made it happen drew a smile on my face. His smile had looked so carefree, so untainted by the pain of grief.

"'Morning," he whispered. I turned my head toward him. His small smile turned my insides into a fluttering mess.

"Good morning," I replied. The bond between us was almost purring in content.

Kissing my forehead, Ezra whispered. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me. I had my selfish motives."

The bond fluttered under his amusement. His smile widened. "Oh yeah. What are they?"

I poked the uplifted corner of his lips. "This."

His eyes softened. The bond overflowed with love and affection. And it was all for me. "I love you."

"I love you too," I whispered, relishing in the moment before we had to get out there and face the imminent issue.

*** **** ***

The morning of classes went by in a flash. Ezra and I linked the entire day. Mind-link was such a useful trick. How in the world did I live without it?

Blake finally made an appearance. I hadn't seen him since he shifted. He looked better than the last time I'd seen him. Much better, in fact. I could've sworn he was even bigger.

"The guys had to carry me back home because I passed out right in the middle of the woods," he told me as we made our way out of class.

"You really passed out?"

"From exhaustion. I haven't felt that tired since my first shift. We decided to shift back, and right as I lunged into my skin, I collapsed on the ground and the lights went out. Jason and Zach must've had a time carrying me back."

"I can imagine that." I chuckled. "Did your mom find you like that? Asleep?"

"Asleep and butt naked." He shook his head. "Zach and Jason dragged me home without a stitch of clothing."

"Oh my God..."

"I guess it was payback for having to carry my 'heavy ass' back home, Zach's words. But hey, Mom was over the moon."

The afternoon sun peeked through the clouded sky before it hid again. The wind picked up. Shivering, I hugged myself. It had been so sunny in the morning, so I only wore a light sweater. That would teach me.

"Here," Blake said, slipping off his hoodie. I refused to take it at first, but when he reminded me that werewolves weren't bothered by the cold as much, I accepted gracefully. I tucked my hands in the pockets. Mhm. Warmth.

"Just make sure you take it off before his highness sees it," Blake said with a smirk. "I don't think he'd be thrilled. Although I can barely smell anything over his scent when I come near you."

"Do I really smell like him?" I asked, sniffing myself. The hoodie smelled faintly like Blake. But my nose couldn't pick out the layers of smells like a werewolf's.

"Yep. Well, you still smell like yourself, but it's like your scent is wrapped up in his, if that makes any sense."

"I doubt it'll make sense to anyone who doesn't have noses like yours. You guys are obsessed with scents."

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