Chapter 32

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"What if I gave him my blood?"

Ezra frowned, his arms tightening around me.

"Orla? What are you saying?" Disbelief colored his voice.

"What if I give Noah my blood? Drake healed quickly because he drank my blood, right? What if Noah was the same? I mean, he was a little better just because I was near him for a while. Maybe his mind will heal if he drank my blood?"

Ezra was already shaking his head. "No," he growled out.

"We could try, Ezra-"

"Orla, do you hear yourself right now?"

"But he could get better!" I said."We could just try. It probably won't work, but we can try?"

"What if it works? Are you just going to let every rogue vampire drink off of you?!" he whispered, his eyes flickering to the open door of the kitchen. He shook his head sharply. Shooting to his feet, he paced back and forth. "Orla, no. Please, don't even mention it again."

He ran his hand roughly through his hair. I sighed and bit my lip, thinking of the best way to convince him because I wasn't about to let it go. This could help the guy get his sanity back. It could help him live normally again. Well, as normal as a vampire's life could get.

But when I caught Ezra's eyes, my determination cracked. They held so much fear, I could almost feel it. No, I could actually feel it. I could feel his fear twisting my gut. He shook his head, as if shaking away thoughts before he stepped to me and hugged me to him tightly, desperately, a shaky breath escaping his lips.

Wrapping my arms around him, I decided to let it go. For now. I hated seeing him like this, but there was a chance to save someone's life. What if Noah had a mate out there? Would his mate be bound to a life of loneliness and hopelessness because the craze took Noah's life away? My heart hurt at the thought. No, I had to find a way to convince Ezra.

The pack house appeared bigger in daylight. People walked in and out; young and old, men, women and children. Everyone looked cheerful and busy. Ashley and Haley stood with a woman in front of the big cabin. She wore a floral sundress that flowed down to her heels. With long brown hair and twinkling blue eyes that snapped to mine when we neared them. A smile tugged at her lips, and she waved us over.

"That's aunt Eleanor," Ezra said, a soft expression taking over his face as he looked at the woman. "Uncle Zane's mate and Zach's mom."

I nodded and waved to the woman with a smile. She looked really young. Zach looked more like her than his father.

"Hello, dear!" she said when we stopped next to them. Her arms wrapped me in a warm hug, and she patted my back.


"It's nice to finally meet you," she said, pulling back. "They've been hogging you to themselves."

"It's nice to meet you, too," I said.

She turned to Ezra, her face softening as she held his face between her hands. "You look good, son."

"Thanks, aunt Eleanor."

She patted his cheek and let go.

"Where's Zyla?" Ezra asked.

"She's around with the kids," she said, waving her hand around. "I'm sure she'll appear when lunch is served."

We entered the pack house and headed through the backdoor into an enormous outdoor dining area. Dozens of wooden tables surrounded by benches and chairs were scattered all around the vast clearing. Some tables were already occupied, children running around and men and women putting plates upon plates of foods on a long table on the side.

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