Chapter 8

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I'm forgetting something.

I thought as I made my way towards class.

I had this feeling ever since I woke up Saturday morning with the worst, and very first, case of hangover. I couldn't believe I had eaten freaking pot brownies!

I always knew my love for chocolate would land me in trouble.

Haley and Sam had been teasing me the entire weekend. Apparently, I turned into a whiny, over demanding brat when I was high.

The icing on the cake was how they said I had been all over Ezra! I wished the ground would open and swallow me up, especially after I caught Ezra's eyes when they said that. He'd winked, his expression as close to a smile as it had ever been.

I was a little attracted to Ezra. Okay, maybe more than a little. That must be the reason I was all over him. They say when you are drunk, your true feelings come out.

Stupid brownies.

I had been feeling exhausted the past couple of days. I spent all my time at home, either sleeping or hanging out with the others downstairs. Our cabin had become the homebase for our group.

I still couldn't believe I had made so many friends in so little time. It was pleasantly overwhelming to think about it, to think that only a few months ago the only friends I had were books, chocolate bars and the woods behind our house.

I adjusted the strap of my backpack over my black t-shirt. The walk from the cabins to the lecture halls was a lovely change of scenery. The paved road, filled with walking students instead of cars, cut through thick trees. The morning sun was warm on my arms and face, and the soft autumn breeze held notes of pines and warmth in it.

Five minutes later, I was in the lecture hall where my first class of college would be held. It was both thrilling and nerve-wrecking. The white walls blended in with the floor. Black tiered seats behind connected white desks. And a massive chalkboard behind the professor's desk below.

Students sat on the professor's desk, on the front row desks, some stood around the room. It seemed like everyone knew everyone.

I glanced around. There were a few familiar faces I'd spotted the past week, but never spoke to. I also spotted Sarah and her blond friend sitting on the front row with a group of students standing nearby. Remembering my past experience in the cafeteria with them, I just walked past them to a seat on the other end of the class.

Blondie scoffed. "Someone should put her in her place. She's been sticking to him like glue."

I kept walking. She wouldn't be talking about me, right? I shook my head and chose a seat. I checked my phone. No missed calls, no new messages. I chewed on my bottom lip. Should I call again? Or maybe leave another message?


I snapped my head up. The group of students I'd walked past were snickering. A brown haired guy was on his knees on the floor next to them, trying to gather the things spilled out of his backpack.

One of the guys from the group, with a mass of brownish, gelled back hair, fist bumped his friend.

"Nice move!" The girl squealed.

"He didn't even see my leg! like, what the hell!"

A few students around the class looked over, some disapproving, but no one moved. Something hot unfurled in my chest. I rose and made my way toward them.

"What the heck is wrong with you?" I asked the obnoxious guy. He just laughed harder, running his fingers through his greasy hair. I crouched to help the brown-haired guy with his things.

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