Chapter 3

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I couldn't sleep.

I stared at the ceiling, feeling the dampness of my hair seep into my sleep t-shirt, but I was too tired to move. I never knew I could be too tired to sleep.

After coming back from dinner, I bid Ashley good night and came to my room. Unpacking didn't take me long; my clothes only filled half the walk-in closet. Then I took a quick shower and dropped on my bed, expecting to drift off to sleep immediately.

That didn't happen.

I turned my head and looked at the curtained window, and I could no longer keep my thoughts from drifting to him.


I turned on my side and pulled the covers tighter around myself. I never thought I'd find a guy so attractive it left me sleepless. It was absolutely ridiculous. And true.

But he was such a mystery to me. He didn't speak more than a few words, not out of aloofness, I had a feeling it was just how he was. He could come off as cold and standoffish, especially with his constantly unamused face. But his eyes betrayed him.

Those warm brown eyes were so intense and expressive. Whenever I looked at them, I had the absurd feeling I could see right through them. So much sadness and pain, even remembering it now tightened my throat. Then they would glimmer with such fierce hope and longing it took my breath away.

How could I tell how he felt? It was absolutely ridiculous. Again. But I knew to the depths of my soul it was true. I could read his eyes like I could read another person's face.

I'd been looking forward to seeing him at dinner, but he hadn't been there, much to my disappointment. I really wanted to see him again.

What the heck was wrong with me? I don't even know the guy!

At least I was honest enough with myself to admit I was attracted to him. How could I not? The guy was stunning. I sighed dreamily. God, I was acting like a hormonal teenager. Which I technically was.

I had had a few crushes back in high school, but it never amounted to anything. My school life had never been the best. Boys had been the last thing on my mind.

I glanced at my phone on the nightstand. There were no missed calls, no messages.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and closed my eyes. I'd call her in the morning. Yes. I'd do that.

It was hard to believe that I wasn't home, that I'd be living on my own starting today. Well, not exactly on my own since I had a roommate. A very nice roommate, thankfully.

My eyelids grew heavy, and I drifted to sleep to the sound of howling in the distance, a pair of warm brown eyes invading my dreams.

*** **** ***

This was not a good beginning of the day.

I rushed down the steps, struggling to pull on my sneakers. I had woken up late after not hearing my alarm go off.

Ashley had told me yesterday not to wait for her for breakfast because she went exercising first thing in the morning. No wonder the girl was impossibly fit. I wished I could be half as motivated.

I rushed to the dining hall, adjusting the red hoodie I wore over my gray joggings and hoping I wasn't too late for breakfast. Meals began and ended at specific times. I checked my phone. Ten minutes left.

Students strolled around or just lounged in the grass. Some lingered in the common room under the dining hall. I ran up the stairs and breathed out a sigh of relief. The line only had a couple of people, but the tables were mostly all occupied. I guess I wasn't the only one who didn't wake up early.

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