Chapter 5

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"Orla?" Ezra's voice pulled me out of my memories. I looked up at the blurry view of my cabin. I blinked back the wetness in my eyes. We stopped walking and I hadn't even realized. "Are you okay?"

Ezra's eyes were dark pools of concern. He looked over my shoulder at something, his jaw clenched, then nodded toward my cabin.

We went inside to find it empty. Ezra's warm hand found the small of my back again. He steered me to a stool at the island. He loosened a button of his black shirt and rolled up his sleeves.

His back to me, he moved in the kitchen with a grace I would never be capable of, despite being held his size.

After a couple of minutes, he turned around with a big mug, sliding it across the island towards me. I wrapped my hands around the warm liquid and peered in. Tea. The smell of peppermint floated up to my nose, soothing my throat.

Ezra leaned against the counter across from me and crossed his arms, making his shirt strain against the bulge of his muscles.

The first sip made me all warm and fuzzy inside. I smiled at him. "Thank you. But why peppermint?"

"It helps with digestion."

I chuckled. "I did have too much chocolate, didn't I?" He nodded, and even though his face was its usual empty mask, his eyes shone with mirth. "Let's hope none of their bets become true."

He hummed his agreement, his eyes soft. It was very difficult to look away from him. I was entranced, and time seemed so insignificant.

The door slammed open. Haley and Ashley barreled in, carrying two duffle bags.

"Alright! Time to get ready!!" Haley said, dropping the duffle bag on the couch. She grinned, looking between me and Ezra. "Ezra, I know you haven't had enough of her yet. But we need to get her ready for the bonfire party. You can devour her all you like then."

"Haley!" I grumbled, covering my eyes. Oh my God, she was worse than Sam. I dropped my hand in time to see Ezra roll his eyes. He straightened up, winked at me, then walked out of the back door.

He winked again! His facial muscles were getting looser.

Haley and Ashley dragged me upstairs with my lukewarm tea. I finished it while they were laying clothes on Ashley's bed.

"How much clothes do you guys own?" I asked, putting my empty mug on the dresser and inspecting the loaded bed.

"Haley brought some of hers, but these are mainly mine. And before you ask, ninety percent of this belongs to my older sister. She's addicted to shopping."

"Perks of having an older sister. You never have to waste money on clothes." Haley looked at me. "What do you want to wear?"

I eyed the collection of clothes. Too many choices left me confused. What did people wear to bonfire parties? "I really don't know..."

Haley grinned and rubbed her hands together.

She had fun making me change into different outfits. After the fourth change, I put my foot down and called it a day. But I did enjoy it.

So this was what it felt like to have girlfriends...

One hour later, the sky had darkened outside and we were dressed and ready to go. I'd settled for jeans, a knitted white camisole under a large white and blue plaid jacket. Haley had one of her signature floral skirts with a deep teal-colored tank top, and Ashley looked striking in jean shorts that set off her tanned skin, a black tank top and a red patterned kimono.

The three of us walked out of the cabin, Haley between Ashley and me. The guys were waiting for us on the sidewalk. Zach whistled when he saw us. Haley slapped our butts and skipped ahead of us. Ashley uttered an unload like curse, while I put my hand on my backside, hoping the faint lights would cover my heating face. I loved Haley, but she really was as bad as Sam.

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