Chapter 11

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Tingles all over my body. Warmth all around me. A slightly familiar smell filled my nose. Hmm. It smelled so good.

My eyes fluttered open to be met with black. I blinked, trying to make sense of my surroundings.


My eyes shot wide open. I was staring at Ezra's black-clad chest. My heart raced.

Oh. My. God! He was sleeping in my bed!

We were sleeping facing each other, inches apart. His arm around my waist, my head on his other arm. His breath fanned across my forehead.

He was sleeping on top of the covers. Okay. That wasn't very indecent.

I glanced up. Ezra's face looked the most peaceful I'd ever seen him. The bluish early morning light streaming in through the window cast his face in soft shadows. Wow. He really had pretty eyelashes.

How in the world did we end up like this? The last thing I remembered was laying my head in his lap.

To avoid the impending embarrassment, I tried to sneak out of his embrace. As soon as I made a move, however, his arm tightened around me, pressing me closer to him. His head dipped down, and he buried his nose in my hair. His chest vibrated.

Did he just... purr? Wait, could canines even purr? I didn't think so.

His breathing evened out again. I stayed that way for a moment, my nose close to his neck, shamelessly sniffing him. He was asleep so it was okay.

I didn't know how long I stayed that way. The light from the window slowly became brighter, and my full bladder slowly made itself known.

I couldn't hold it in anymore.

I squirmed. He tightened his hold again. I would love to stay like this, but I really needed to go.


He made a sound in the back of his throat. It sounded like a groan mixed with a growl. But didn't wake up.

"Ezra," I called louder. That got me a different reaction.

He froze. Slowly, he raised his head and loosened his arm. He blinked at me, his eyes still bleary with sleep. He looked so cute.

"Bathroom," I mumbled, my face warm.

He gave a nod and let me go. I rolled out of bed and hurried to the bathroom.

After doing my business, I freshened up and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I looked and felt better than yesterday. A slight muscle ache still lingered, but it was manageable.

I'd been chased by mythical creatures in the woods, then discovered that my friends were also mythical creatures, then got a fever and was looked after by one of said mythical beings, whom I woke up wrapped in this morning...

Yep! I definitely looked good considering the situation.

Ezra was standing by the window when I came out. The sky looked crystal clear this morning. The storm had passed. He turned when I closed the bathroom door.

"Um... how did we end up...?" I waved my hand toward the bed, feeling self-conscious.

"Your fever flared up yesterday," he answered, looking at the bed as if recalling. "I called the doctor back since it wouldn't go down. The storm got more violent, too. And you started hallucinating at one point, or maybe dreaming..."

He furrowed his brows, his eyes brimming with distress.

"I don't remember anything..." I said, wide eyed. What had I dreamt of? Had I said anything suspicious?

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