Chapter 12

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Ignoring Sam's expression, Blake and I stood up and made our way to the exit. I kept my head down, Blake between me and the two guys as we walked past them.

Riley and Barret didn't even look at us. I let out a sigh and hurried my steps, thankful that Brandon wasn't with them.

Our pace increased as we left the dining hall building, until we were running to my cabin. The sky had darkened to a dull gray. The weather today had more moods than I did on my period.

Only once inside did we speak. I slumped against the door. "Thank God Brandon wasn't there."

Blake plopped down on the couch, shoving his hair back. "Yeah. Sam-"

"He knows," I said, sinking into the armchair. "I have a strong feeling he does."

"I knew he would."


"He has this... gift, if you will. He knows stuff. I can't say because it's not my thing to tell, but no one around here meets his eyes head on..." he trailed off.

I gaped at him, horrified. Did that mean Sam could... read minds?!

"I don't think he used it on you, though," Blake hurried out, noticing my expression. "He probably just observed how you react. The guy has been around for a long time."

I'd always thought Sam was sharp, despite his devil-may-care attitude. Wait... "What do you mean he's been around for a long time?"

He opened his mouth about to say something, when his eyes widened and he pointed to the door. Seconds later there was a knock.

I gulped, rubbed my hands down my thighs, and made my way to the door. It was Sam.

He had a sly smile on his face, his hands low on his hips. He walked right past me inside. I peeked out. It was only him. I closed the door.

He took the other armchair, and I took my seat. My eyes flickered everywhere but at him, the weight of his gaze made my hair stand on end. Tension thickened the air. Someone laughed outside. I almost jumped when Sam spoke.

"How about you start talking, Little Red?"

"Talk about what?" I wasn't about to spill the beans in case he didn't actually know.

He rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on. You're lucky the others were too occupied to realize it was you."

I pursed my lips. Nope. Not going to talk until he did. He sighed.

"You're the human girl they can't seem to find, the one who had the incredible luck of running into wolves in the woods. Werewolves, to be specific. Come on, Little Red, just talk. I know it's you."

My heart stuttered. I glanced at Blake. He shrugged. Here goes Nothing.

"And what if I was? Are you going to tell them?"

He smiled widely. "No. But you should. Brandon has almost run out of human girls to sniff. It's only a matter of time before it's your turn."

"But I don't want to forget" I groaned, slumping back into my chair.

"Forget?" Sam's eyes swung to Blake. "You told her?"

Blake stiffened and I immediately straightened in my seat. "It's not his fault. I made him tell me."

Sam looked back at me and shook his head. "You'll know everything eventually, so I suppose it doesn't hurt. But why don't you want to forget?"

"Because..." I looked away from his knowing eyes and bit my lip.

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