Chapter 15

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I was seeing colors for the first time. Drapes had been pulled open, revealing the world like I had never seen it before. All my senses were on high alert, but at the same time all I could feel, smell, see and taste was Ezra.

His lips barely moved, his hands gentle around my face. That was the thing about Ezra; no matter how confident and hard his disposition was with everyone else, his ice melted around me.

In that moment, I wasn't an orphan human girl, he wasn't a powerful prince of supernatural beings. We were just two people who found their homes in one another's arms.

The tingles were a hundred times more intense than usual. They fogged up my mind and rendered me unable of reasonable thought.

Ezra pulled away, resting his forehead against mine. His long lashes could barely conceal the naked desire in his eyes. My face was hot, it felt like it would burst into flames. Ezra's eyes smiled at me. He pushed my head against his chest and hugged me tightly.

His loud beating heart gave me some reassurance; I wasn't the only one whose heart went into overdrive.

"You have class after this, don't you? And I probably can't say anything to keep you from going," he asked, his fingers playing with a stray lock of hair that escaped my bun.

"You know me so well," I said, slightly out of breath.

He sighed. "They're here."

A second later, the door slammed open.

Embarrassed, I quickly pushed Ezra away. He didn't budge. He raised his brow, looking down at me with amusement.

"Guys; get a room," Sam groaned, moving past us and opening the back door and the windows.

I gave up and put my head on Ezra's chest. Haley and Ashley walked past us towards the kitchen, but not before I caught sight of their Cheshire grins.

I stepped back. He loosened his hold but didn't let go. "I should go to class," I said.

He frowned. "Maybe I should change my major."

"Don't be silly!" I laughed. He didn't look like he was joking. "I'll go get my stuff for class."

He let go, reluctantly. Haley and Ashley sat at the island, a laptop open in front of them as they discussed something about a homework. Sam was lounging in his usual armchair, his cheek on his hand and a smirk on his smug face.

I stuck my tongue at him. Very mature, I know.

Gray was sleeping on the carpet by the couch. Oh my God! Had he been there when Ezra and I were...?

I made my way upstairs.

"Dude, I could smell the pheromones from my cabin." I heard Sam say. I hurried my steps, ready to drown in embarrassment.

"Then why the hell did you come?" Ezra growled out.

"I couldn't miss the opportunity-"

I didn't hear the rest of Sam's words because I walked into my room, closed the door, and fell face first on my bed.

I squealed into my comforter, hoping they wouldn't hear it.

That was ... magical. I sighed, a moony smile on my face.

Get yourself together, Orla! I sat up, slapped my cheeks and went about getting ready for class.

In my bathroom mirror, my face looked flush and my lips cherry colored, my eyes bright and clear. I looked... happy. Really happy.

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