Chapter 14

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Unedited chapter ahead. Please let me know if you notice any mistakes. I appreciate it!

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A soulmate.

I've always thought the idea that someone out there was destined for you was so magical. But that's all I thought it was; a magical, unrealistic concept. I didn't think it was actually possible; for someone to be made just for you.

My heart soared, filled with so much joy it overflowed. I had a soulmate. And it was Ezra.

I wouldn't have asked for a different one.

A smile split my face, so wide it hurt my cheeks. Ezra smiled one of his small, breathtaking smiles, his eyes warm and full of affection.

I inched closer until my face was pressed to his neck and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me as if I would vanish if he let go.

"You have no idea how much you mean to me," he mumbled against my hair. It felt right. Now I understood why everything felt so right and natural with him.

We stayed like that, wrapped in each other, for a while. Peaceful and warm and safe. My eyelids grew heavy.

Ezra pulled away to call Haley. He waited outside my room while she healed the rest of my body. I didn't glance at my body until after she literally worked her magic. My skin was smooth and a little warm.

"Thank you," I told her as I pulled on my top. She gave me a smile, hugged me and left.

Ezra appeared with a bottle of water and medication. I took it and snuggled in my bed. He hovered nearby.

"I'll... I'll be sleeping on the couch," he said, his eyes not meeting mine. Disappointment washed over me but I pushed it back and nodded. He kissed my forehead with a good night, then he left me with my demons.

The door closed with a quiet snick. I turned off the bedside lamp. The shadows seemed to jump at me. I turned it back on and closed my eyes.

His face as he hovered over me was itched to my eyelids. Bile rose to my throat. I felt as though I could feel him hiding in the dark corners of the room.

I didn't have to endure this.

Making up my mind. I rolled out of bed and padded out of my room and down the stairs.

The only lights on was the under-cabinet lighting. Ezra's big frame was sitting on the couch, hunched over under an invisible weight. He looked at me, his eyes darker than the shadows around him. "What's wrong? Do you need something?"

I bit my lip, wiping my palms down my thighs. "Nothing. I'm fine. I just... would you like to come to bed with me?"

His eyes shone with relief. He stood up, took my hand and we went back upstairs to my bedroom.

We settled in bed as we were. Ezra turned to turn off the light. I gripped his arm. "No. Can you just leave it on?"

He nodded and settled back down, his eyes knowing. He stayed unmoving. The inches between us filled with unspoken fears and need. I shifted closer to him. He opened his arms, and I laid my head on his shoulder. His arms wound around me, pulling me tighter. I breathed out, his smell and warmth banishing the demons in my head.

The last thing I thought I heard before sleep pulled me under was his guilty, thick voice whispering, "I'm so sorry."


I woke up to tingles swirling in a circle on my back. I groaned, rubbed my head against the hard pillow, and the tingles stopped dancing and settled in one spot.

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