Chapter 29

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The sun had long set when we took the road to the pack. It split off from the main road a few miles away from the school gates. Blurred by a spell and guarded by a couple of warriors for good measure, the road cut through the trees and led right to the heart of the pack.

"Remember I told you that we talked to the rogue vampires?"

"Yeah," Orla said. Her hair looked darker in the dimly lit car, but her eyes were still a clear blue and a sparkling obsidian.

"At first, they weren't very helpful. They were too sick. Sam could get nothing out of them for the entire night." I paused. "Until I showed up. One of them was suddenly very talkative. Although he didn't make much sense, at least he wanted to talk."

"Really? Why you?"

"It's not really me that got them to talk. It's because they smelled your scent on me."

I glanced at her frown. She caught up quickly. "Because they smelled a human on you? Or because they smelled me on you?"

"The latter."

Her surprise was evident. "Why?"

"We don't know yet," I replied as the cover of trees thinned out and the pack glimmered into life. I slowed the car and let her take in the pack village. It was a small settlement, with unpaved pathways cutting through it, mostly with one or two-story cabins. We left the car in a small parking area at the edge of the village where all pack vehicles were kept, and moved on foot.

"So, you guys think if I'm present there, the rogues might talk," Orla said, taking in the village as we walked through. The few pack members outside all stared at her, nodding their heads in greeting as we passed by.

"That's what we think." I sighed. "I was against it, at first. But it's your call. If you don't want to go near them, don't."

"I'll do it. You'll be there, right?"

"Of course."

She smiled. "Then it'll be fine."

Her trust warmed my chest. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Vlad will be there, too. He wanted to meet you."

"Vlad is...?"

"Sam's sire," I replied. "The vampire who turned him. He's the head of the strongest and most ancient vampire coven in the world. He himself is the first vampire."

"The first?! Ever?" She asked, her eyes wide.

"The first of his kind. I don't even know how old the man is. No one really does. Except him, I guess."

"Wow," she breathed out, then giggled. "So he's literally older than the dirt we're walking on?"

I chuckled, shaking my head at her. "Yeah, literally"

"It's amazing, though. To live for such a long time. He must have seen so much. It's inconceivable."

"True. I don't know how he did it. Especially without a mate."

"He doesn't have a mate?" A sad note weakened her voice.

"He didn't find her yet. Some people say he doesn't have one at all. But you never know. I mean, after I found you, anything is possible."

As we walked deeper into the village, more wolves seemed to be out and about. Gossip travels fast in a pack of wolves. The majority of the cabins were open, spilling out light. People were standing in clutters in front of their houses. I could only feel curiosity and innocent interest. They gave Orla kind smiles when they caught her eyes, and my wolf settled down.

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