Chapter 6

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Ezra glanced at Haley. Sam came closer to sit on the arm of the couch.

"What do you mean, sweetheart?" Ezra asked me softly.

"That's why she hates me. I took him away from her. That's why everyone hates me," I said, feeling my eyes water. I looked down as a tear fell on my hands and whispered. "You're going to hate me, too."

Tears flowed faster. My eyes swam. Warm hands cupped my face. He wiped the tears away. "No one is going to hate you, Orla"

I shook my head furiously. He dropped his hand to my shoulders. "You're going to hate me, just like everyone else. Just like my mom."

My throat tightened painfully, and a sob escaped. Then I was pressed into a hard chest, Ezra's hand rubbed my back and my head. I cried harder, tears falling as fast as words.

"I killed him. I swear it-it wasn't on purpose. I was just p-playing and he wanted to take it from m-me, but then there was- there was a boom and then blood and screaming and- I tried to wake him up but -but-"

"Ssh. It's okay now. Shh," Ezra soothed while rubbing my back. My insides felt raw and battered. I didn't know how long my sobs lasted. At one point, I forgot why I was even crying.

The solemn silence was disrupted by my occasional hiccup. I was so tired. My sobs quieted down after a few minutes, and the bloody memories of that day were buried beneath another wave of wooziness.

There was a knock on the door before it opened. I turned my head on Ezra's chest. Zach, Ashley and another guy walked in. The new guy, with brown hair and green eyes, looked between Ezra and me, looking surprised.

"Everything is in place, Ezra," Zach said.

I pulled away from Ezra. It was getting too hot. I wiped my face and shrugged off my jacket.

"It's too hot," I mumbled, standing on the couch. I felt too hot, and my clothes felt tight. Were they so tight when I first wore them? They must have shrunk, or maybe I got fat. I did eat those brownies after all. A giggle escaped. I slapped both hands over my mouth and looked wide-eyed at the others.

Too hot. I pulled the bottom of my top up. I wanted to take it off.


Three sets of hands grabbed my own. Haley, Sam and Ezra looked at me with saucer eyes. "It's too hot," I explained, tugging harder, but they didn't let me. "I want to take it off."

A growl filled the room. I giggled, looking at Ezra's chest. "Why does it do that?"

"Oh, dear," Ashley muttered. I laughed harder, I couldn't seem to stop. It felt good.

"Haley, come along, please," Ezra said, scooping me up in one swift move. Whoa, he was so strong! He also looked very angry. Would he start growling again? That was so weird. And so funny. I wanted him to growl again, so I should make him even more angry.

I poked his chest. Poke. Poke. Poke. He climbed up the steps calmly. I poked his shoulder, then his cheek. I poked his cheek again and giggled. "It's prickly."

His eyes smiled. He was no longer angry, but I liked his smiling eyes more than his growl so that was okay.

Once in my room, Ezra put me down and left. Haley dragged me to my closet and helped me change. I wanted to go to bed naked, but Haley wouldn't let me. She was no fun.

Several arguments later, I was dressed in a pair of flannel pajama pants and a t-shirt. I dropped on my bed, spread like a starfish, and looked at the ceiling. It moved, but not as much as before.

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