Chapter 47

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Orla's POV

I couldn't feel him anymore.

I brought my knees to my chest and put my tears stained face on them. Closing my eyes, I tried to focus again, to find him, but it was empty. My heart was empty. Every time I reached for him and found void, it felt like being shredded to pieces.

It happened after he had bitten me. He'd said he marked me, gloated about it. I didn't want to believe it, but the gaping hole where the bond had been confirmed his words.

"You're going to give me the strongest line, and we'll rule everyone together," he'd said while licking the bite on my neck, his body restraining mine.

I had tried using my magic as soon as I felt his teeth on my neck, but couldn't. I couldn't bring it forward. It was locked deep within. I realized afterwards that whenever I had been able to use it, it had been either for Ezra's sake or with Ezra nearby.

So I just trashed under his body as he sank his fangs deep into my neck, drawing blood while I gritted my teeth until I couldn't hold in my cries of pain anymore. The bond faded until it was nothing, leaving behind an emptiness that broke my heart and almost made me lose my mind.

I wondered if Ezra felt it, too. I hoped he didn't. There was no reason for both of us to go through it.

"There," he said running a cold hand over my neck. I could barely hear his cold voice over my cries and ringing ears. "It's perfect. Now, I'm not that heartless. I'm going to give you some time to get used to your new life before we can start making our own little miracle."

"No," I whimpered, closing my eyes. He gripped my hair roughly, turning my face towards his. His eyes glowed red, a deranged, wide-eyed look in them.

"You better start adjusting, my dear. I expect complete obedience from now on," he said, dipping his head near my burning neck and taking a deep breath. "I'll come later to have a taste, you smell so bloody delicious."

One of his men dragged me to a room nearby, not a cell. It was a small bedroom, with a window that was entirely cemented shut. The walls were a stained white. It had a bed and a small attached bathroom. As soon as the man closed the door behind me, I threw my guts out in the yellowish sink, cleaning my neck with the trickle of water from the tap.

There was food when I got out. Did Hayden get anything? Was he even still alive?

I sat down on the bed and looked at the tray of food. I'd lost blood. I should probably eat to keep my energy. But I couldn't find it in me to do so.

Something warm trickled down my neck. I touched it, wincing as sharp pain shot through my neck. Scrambling to my feet, I headed to the bathroom again.

The bite looked angry and red. It didn't look anywhere near Ashley's mark. Blood still seeped out of it. Fresh tears blurred my reflection in the mirror. I choked back a sob, fear twisting my insides into a heavy knot.

Putting my sleeve against the bleeding mark, I went back to the room.

What should I do? I couldn't stay here knowing what he was planning to do to me. The thought of going through that made my knees shake.

I shivered, my stomach rising. How I wished I had given that part of me to Ezra. Maybe if I had, if Ezra had marked me, things would have been different?

I shook my head. No. There was no use in dwelling on the 'what if's.

I had to get out of here. I looked around. The only way out was the door. I checked it, just in case. Locked.

But even if I managed to unlock it, there was movements every once in a while outside my door.

Despair threatened to drag me into its well. What if no one came to save me? What if Ezra couldn't find me in time? What if-

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