Chapter 46

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Sam's POV

"She's not answering again," Ezra said through clenched teeth, pacing back and forth in front of the squat building that housed the cells.

Ezra, Zane, Zyron and I gathered here after paying a friendly visit to the rogues we'd caught yesterday. But they were useless.

It all made sense. Whoever took Orla had plotted this so our focus would be elsewhere. As expected, the club was a trap. But not a trap to harm us. It was a ploy to get Ezra and our attention away from Orla.

And we fell for it like thumb-sucking idiots.

The club was empty when we reached it. We found the underground facility as well. It matched what I had seen in the rogues' memories. It was the right place. But it was deserted, not even the faintest hint of a scent.

And then Ezra had felt that something was off with Orla. It still amazed me how they had a bond without a mark.

After the guards posted outside her cabin reported to us, we were back there slower than Ezra would have liked.

He was fuming. After he walked in and didn't find her anywhere, his power exploded and the cabin almost burst from the inside out.

"Calm down, Ezra," Zane said. "Maybe she's blocking you again? She still isn't used to linking like we are."

"No," he growled out, his eyes glowing under the gray sky. "There's something wrong. She's-"

His words died down in his throat. A pained growl replaced them, ripping through his chest and echoing in the woods surrounding us. He bent forward clutching his neck. We surrounded him in a blink.

"Ezra!" Zyron called. "What's wrong? What is it, son?"

Zyron put his hand on Ezra's shoulder but Ezra growled and snapped at it, almost biting it off. He was all wolf. The wide-eyed look held a crazed glint I had only seen a few times before. When supernaturals lost their-


Dread knotted my guts.

"No!" Ezra growled out, shoving his father away. His voice barely his own anymore. "No! It's gone! She's gone!"

Fur pricked out of his arms and neck, his canines and claws lengthening. His skin rippled. The power that ran in every Alpha King's veins exploded outward from Ezra, almost bending our reality. The building shook, animals scurried and birds fluttered away. It pushed against my senses, a pressure that made my ears ring and physically drove me back.

He was losing control.

Zyron was the only one who dared step closer to him. "Ezra!"

"She's gone," Ezra gurgled, his head bent down. He clutched his chest with sharp claws, drawing blood. "It's gone..."

"My God," Zane mumbled, the impact of Ezra's words finally registering. The bond. He was talking about the bond.

"Listen to me!" Zyron said, taking another step towards his son, who was trying to fight against the craze of losing his mate.

"There must be something else," Zyron said. Another step. "You know he didn't kidnap her just to kill her-"

Ezra snarled, a vicious expression on his face. More of his power leaked. Even his father had to steel himself so he didn't step back like the rest of us.

"Listen to me, damn it!" Zyron said, his voice laced with power. "She's not gone. Calm down."

It took a couple of seconds for the Alpha King's command to work on Ezra. Zyron didn't like using it, and he'd had to do it twice in a span of twenty four hours. Once against his own son. When we caught whoever was behind this, Zyron would break every bone in their body.

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