Chapter 48

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Ezra's POV


All I could do was wait until Hale regained enough energy to override the concealing magic. Wait while my mate endured God knows what.

I had no idea what she was going through because there was no bond. The gaping hole in my heart grew bigger with every passing second.

"Calm down, Ezra. Just a couple more minutes," Hale linked, wiping some sweat off his brow.

The air was crisp around us. Dawn was near. The warriors who'd been here had retreated a safe distance away. The bastard didn't have any guards around the area, probably to make it less conspicuous. Still, better to be safe than sorry. So it was only Hale and me hiding behind thick foliage.

Thank God Hale had got to the pack in time to help. I would have gone insane making the trip all the way here. Although, I would go crazy anyway if I didn't at least know that she was alive.

No! Stop thinking abou that. She is alive.

I held onto the explanation that my father had given me about the broken bond. It was unbearable, but at least she would still be alive.

My heart hurt for her. She must've been so afraid, in so much pain. My gums ached. I bit back a growl, holding my wolf back. I was going to kill him.

"Vlad is coming your way," Sam called through the link.

"He close?" Hale asked.

"Yes. He was on his way to the pack when I told him your location. He's closer to you guys."

"It's good to have him with you anyway," Dad added.

I could tell he was still worried about me. I couldn't blame him. I was still amazed he'd managed to bring me out of that craze.

God, it was so painful. My heart physically ached. It was ripped into pieces that wouldn't come together unless I saw her again. My wolf felt like a rabid animal, wanting to get loose and destroy everything around. I understood how werewolves went rogue.

I only hoped she hadn't felt that pain, too.

"Alright," Hale said, straightening. "I'll try now, though I'm still-"

I didn't hear the rest of his words, because right then, I smelled her. Like blooming wild flowers on a spring day after a long, harsh winter.

I growled out. Her scent was wrapped in another, a vampire male's sour scent. My feet carried me her way. Hale called me, but I kept running.

Through the trees, Orla and Hayden appeared out of thin air. She was almost carrying Hayden, stumbling through the woods.

"Orla!" I called. She saw me, and a beautiful smile graced her pale face. I took my first real breath since yesterday.

A dark blur appeared behind her, zipping toward her with a hissing snarl. A cloaked man with long black hair and furious red eyes trained on Orla. A man whose scent was all over my mate.

Crimson blanketed my vision.

My wolf took over in a shower of shredded clothes and crackling bones. I ran forward, jumping over Orla and Hayden and right on top of the vampire. He looked up, his eyes wide.

I tackled him, closing my jaws around his arm and flinging him aside. He hit a tree with a loud crack. I was over him in a blink. He kicked his foot, it connected to my ribs, but all it did was enrage me further. I swiped his face with my claws. The sound of his scream a soothing balm to my soul.

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