Chapter 34

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Ezra's POV

"Rogue vampires!"

"Ezra?" Orla asked.

"Where?" I linked Jason.

"Near the university gate. A human student was attacked," was his quick response.

A growl ripped out of my chest. Orla must've realized I was linking because she didn't speak, but her eyes churned with anxiety.

How did the rogues get so close?! That was the line of the southern border of the pack. Too close. Way too close...

"A human was attacked by rogue vampires," I told Orla, her hands still in mine.

"Oh my God." Her eyes widened, and her pulse skittered in her neck. "Is the human okay?"

"I don't know yet."

She pursed her lips, determination written across her face. "You should go, right? Go. I'll stay inside."

I set my jaw. I didn't want her away from me. There could still be rogues out there. But she was right. I had to see if this mess was dealt with.

"Sam!" I called through our link.

"I heard about the rogues. Where do you want me?"

"With Orla. She's in her cabin."

"Figured as much. I'll be there right away."

I kissed Orla's hand. "Come on. Sam will stay with you."

We went to the cabin. Only our scents lingered in the place. Still, I did a quick sweep of the two floors. Clear.

Downstairs again, I framed Orla's face with my hands. "Have your phone with you at all times, okay?"

She gave me a smile that settled my nerves. "Don't worry. I'll be fine."

There was a knock on the backdoor. I let Sam in. He gave me a reassuring nod. With one last glance at Orla, I left. No one could get past Sam, he would keep her safe. I zipped through the woods to the gate.

Jacob, our current master of arms and Jason's father, was with Vlad, uncle Zane and Hayden a few hundred feet away from the gate. Getting closer, I bit back a growl. A few wolves were getting rid of the remnants of blood, but I could still smell and see it. Right on the road, where anyone could drive by and see.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked.

Jacob bowed his head my way. "Four vampires. Rogues. They attacked a male student when he was walking towards the gate."

There was so much blood. "Is he alive?"

"Barely," uncle Zane answered. "We have him in the pack hospital until we figure out what to do. The pack doctor said he lost a lot of blood, but we got him in time. He's currently stable."

I nodded, relieved.

"The gate guard got to him first before he linked patrol. It took them a minute to reach them. The guard is being looked after as well. He was hurt, but wasn't bit, luckily."

"The rogues?"

"In the pack cells. One died during the fight. The other three are still alive."

"How sick are they?"

"Not too sick," Vlad replied, a furious frown tugging down his lips. "What is alarming, however, is that they're newly turned."

Newly turned vampires.

It was against rules to turn a human into a vampire and leave them to fend for themselves. For the first decades of their lives, vampires should be under strict supervision, allowed out in public only if accompanied by a senior vampire. Their coven holds the responsibility to guide them and train them in how to control their blood lust.

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