Chapter 45

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"Do you feel comfortable with Hayden?"

Ezra's eyes glowed in the dimly-lit room. We were in our cabin back on campus, where we spent the night. I barely slept. It was now dawn, and Ezra was getting ready to join the others to raid the club.

I watched him emerge from the closet, dressed in cargo pants and a black t-shirt, and my heart dipped lower into my stomach.

Sitting up in bed, I wrapped my arms around my raised knees. "I guess. I never really talked to him a lot, though."

Tucking his phone in his pocket, he sat next to me. "He's going to stay with you. Dad insisted Sam comes with me. I'll feel better knowing Hayden is with you. He's strong."

"Do you have to go?" I asked, my eyes pleading. I didn't want him to go. It was a trap. My guts were all tied up in knots, had been since yesterday.

He sighed and pressed a kiss to my neck. "I have to. Although there are more fun things I can think of doing right now."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed his face. "I'm serious."

Smiling, he brushed the back of his fingers against my cheek. "I have to go. I can't expect people to do things for me. I can't let them fight on my behalf. What kind of leader would that make me?

"Besides, this has to do with you. I can't let someone else get his hands on that asshole first, whoever he is."

"Just be careful. Please. I don't have a good feeling about this."

"Don't worry, baby," he said, but I could feel his uneasiness through the bond. "I'm taking a mini army with me. And anyway, the most important part of me will stay in a safe place."

The most important part-? Oh. He meant me.

I flushed, my heart melting into a puddle. "Very smooth, your highness."

Still, the vise around my heart refused to loosen. But Ezra had to do this. While I understood that, it didn't mean that I liked it.

"I'll be back before you know it," he said. "I love you."

"Love you too. Just be careful," I mumbled. He kissed me. Then he was gone.

The door closed behind him, and with it my heart tore into two.

I curled into a ball under the covers and tried to reign in my emotions. But he could feel them through the bond, sparking his own conflicted feelings.

I knew it was stupid. I was overreacting. But I couldn't help it. Even my magic was stirring wildly, wanting to follow him so it could protect him.

But we couldn't do anything.

"It's going to be okay," I whispered to myself. "He's going to be fine."


Haley was already downstairs, with Gray. The pup trotted towards me, tail wagging. I scooped him up with a groan, he was getting heavier.

"Hey, little cutie," I mumbled against his fur. His weight and warmth and soft fur alleviated some of my anxiety.

Gray licked my cheek and wiggled. I let him go, and he went back to his bowl of food.

Haley sat at the island, nursing a cup of coffee. "Good morning."

"Morning," I said, heading to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and stared at it, unseeing. I didn't have the stomach for anything. I closed the fridge and turned.

Haley gave me knowing smile and opened her arms. "Come here."

Grateful, I walked into her hug. She rubbed my back. "He's going to be fine. He's taking a dozen warriors with him, and Sam is going as well. He'll take care of him."

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