Chapter 42

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Ezra's POV:

"The show might take a while guys. Grab a popcorn."

Haley rolled her eyes so hard, I was afraid they would get stuck like that.

Sam brought the pointer and middle finger of his hands to Orla's temples. The pale blue of his eyes glowed. "Okay, Little Red. Just relax."

Orla frowned. Her confusion and curiosity stirred through the bond. Sam's eyes glowed brighter.

The room held its breath. Haley gnawed on her lip, sitting on the table near Sam.

If Orla's theory turned out to be right, if someone else really knew about her being a fairy, we might have to get ready for war very soon.

Sam's frown deepened as seconds turned into minutes. Ten minutes later, the stifling anxiety dissipated. Dad, Mom, uncle Zane and aunt Eleanor retreated to a corner of the meeting room and spoke in low voices. Jason and his father, Jacob, had to leave for a briefing session they had with patrol. Ashley and Zach dragged their chairs and sat next to me. Hayden stood behind Sam, his arms crossed.

Then it happened.

My attention was on Orla, so I was the first one to notice.

"What the..." I breathed out, part shocked and part fascinated. Orla's blue eye started glowing like a neon sign. And the iris of her dark eye expanded until it took over the white. Her mismatched eyes were usually breathtaking, now they were... hypnotizing.

The bond between us pulsed with a strong energy.

"Oh my-" Haley's words turned into a squeal when Sam and his chair flew backward, crashing into Hayden with enough force to crash them both against the wall behind them.

"Holy crap..." Mom said, rolling her wheelchair closer, her wide eyes on Sam and Hayden, groaning as they lay on the ground, the chair on top of them.

Orla took a gasping breath, her eyes returning to normal in two blinks. Her gaze landed on Sam and Hayden who were getting to their feet. "Oh my God! What happened? Are you guys okay?"

"Well," uncle Zane said, pulling Sam to his feet. "That's interesting."

Sam rubbed his forehead. "Indeed."

Everyone looked at Orla. She wrung her hands together in her lap. "I'm so sorry. I felt him inside my head and then it was like something was pushing him back and my magic-"

"Shh, it's okay. He's fine," I said, wrapping my arm around her shoulders.

"What happened, Sam?" Dad asked.

Sam looked like he was having the worst headache of his life. "I couldn't see past the orphanage," he grumbled, rubbing his temples. "It was like a damn wall was built around those memories."

"A wall?" Ashley asked.

"Yes, something blocked me from those particular memories. As soon as I tried breaking through, it was like a force pushed me away. Well, it literally did."

"Damn," Haley muttered. She turned to her brother, who'd taken a seat next to her on the table. "Do you think it has to do with the Lock spell?"

"Could be," Hayden said, rubbing the back of his head.

Dad hummed. "Maybe those memories were deliberately protected."

"Using magic to lock memories away?" Sam raised his brow. "That's my brand of magic. As far as I know, no one else has it."

"We're talking about beings who can lock another person's magic," Aunt Eleanor said. "Locking memories shouldn't be more difficult than that."

"You got a point, sweetheart," uncle Zane said, wrapping his arm around aunt Eleanor's shoulders.

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