Chapter 18

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"Do you?" Hayden asked again.

No use in lying. And no reason to be afraid. He was Haley's brother. Sweet, nice Haley. He wouldn't hurt me. Right?

I gulped and gave one nod.

A huge grin broke out in his face, transforming his stoic demeanor into a playful, carefree one. I smiled, relieved. He blinked, his eyes scanning my features. Then he cleared his throat. "And you are?"

Oh. I haven't even introduced myself. I opened my mouth to tell him my name when my phone rang.

"It's Haley," I told Hayden and picked up.

"Hey, Orla. Is my brother by any chance there?" she asked as soon as I answered.

"Yeah. Since a few minutes ago."

"Ugh, that idiot! Alright, I'm coming."

She ended the call. Hayden was still looking at me. I discreetly touched my face. Did I have some hot chocolate on my lips or something? "She's coming."

He blinked and nodded. "So, how come you know?"

"I stumbled upon some wolves shifting in the woods."

"The woods?" A thoughtful frown crossed his features. "Are you by any chance Ezra's mate?"

I smiled. "I am."

"Oh," he said, leaning back in his seat. There was something kin to disappointment in his eyes.

But why would he be disappointed? Did he not like the fact that Ezra's mate was me, a human?

No. That was just my insecurity speaking. Maybe I was just reading too much into Hayden. I didn't even know the guy yet.

"Have you looked at the boundaries in the woods yet?" I asked.

"I checked some on the way here, everything seems in order. I'll see the ones you were able to cross later."

I nodded. Gray finished his food and rubbed his small head against my leg. I picked him up and petted his head. His tail wagged.

Hayden raised his brows at the gray pup. "Is that a wolf?"

"Yeah. I found him in the woods one day. Apparently, he was left by his mother."

I swallowed the knot in my throat and smiled up at Hayden. His perceptive frown immediately turned into a smile when he caught my eyes.

There was one knock on the door before it burst open. Haley stormed inside, her floral maxi skirt flaring around her ankles, and pointed an accusing finger at her brother. "You!"

Hayden grinned, unapologetic. "Me."

"Why didn't you tell me you were already here!"

"You were taking too long and there was a hot chick driving in anyways. She gave me a ride. On her car. Although I would probably get another ride later on."

Oh my. Blood rushed to my face, and I made my escape to close the door that Haley had left open. Now I knew why Haley said Hayden and Sam got along.

Haley and Hayden bickered back and forth. I took my spot against the counter, Gray snuggled up to my chest, his head on my shoulder. Their banter brought a smile to my face. It must be nice, having a family you could fight with and still knowing they would always have your back on rainy days.

That was how Ezra found us. He got in through the back door, his eyes finding me first before falling on Hayden.

"Ezra!" Hayden stood up, and he and Ezra did that hug/handshake/slap on the back greeting that guys did. "Congratulations man. The world is going crazy because of the news."

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