Chapter 33

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Ezra's POV

I didn't deserve her.

That was the thought echoing in my mind as I shifted into my skin. Throwing a pair of shorts on, I strode to the pack house.

After seeing her hurt and scared, I wanted to take her into my arms. But I knew I couldn't. I didn't have the right to do that after acting like an asshole. Her wide eyes had looked up at me, and for a moment I felt as though she wasn't seeing me, she was seeing someone else screaming at her, and I hated myself for bringing back such memories.

I was such an asshole.

My wolf silently brooded in the back of my mind. I walked inside the packhouse, nodding to people who bowed their heads to me on my way to my father's study.

He was with uncle Zane and Vlad. They occupied the seating arrangement across the room from Dad's desk. This room held so many memories. My siblings and I used to sneak in when Dad had an important meeting. He always knew we were there, of course, but he let us believe we were sneaky.

I needed Vlad's opinion on this matter. The thought of even a drop of Orla's blood being spilled set me on edge. But I had to know if what she'd said was even a possibility.

"What's wrong?" Dad asked, his eyes looking right into me. Apart from him and Mom, Orla was the only other person who could see right through the mask I put on everyday.

"I need to talk to you about something," I said. Taking an armchair facing Vlad, I dove right into the subject. I told them what Orla had suggested and her suspicion that her blood might help the rogue.

Leaning back in my chair, I fisted my hands tightly, feeling my heart ache as snippets of my conversation with Orla flashed through my mind again.

I was such an asshole.

"Vlad?" Dad asked, rubbing his chin.

Vlad drummed his fingers on the arm of his chair. "I can't say the thought never crossed my mind. It is a possibility. But we will not know for certain until we try."

"You know what this means, right?" uncle Zane asked me, his eyes holding the knowledge settling like a heavy rock in the pit of my stomach. "If this works, if her blood heals the rogue's mind and news gets out, she'll have a big ass target on her back."

I bit back a growl. "I know. That's why I'm against it."

If her blood was special, only God knows who would come after her. All sorts of crazy and nosy people would want to get their hands on her. She'd be a lab rat or a fucking blood bank. There was no way I would put her through that.

"Let me guess," Dad said, his lips fighting back a smirk. "She wants to try it and you didn't let her?"

I scowled but nodded. Dad chuckled and rose to his feet. "Come with me, son."

Vlad and Zane both looked amused as I followed Dad out. He led me to a spare office nearby. Sitting behind the empty desk, he pointed to the chair across from him. "Sit."

I did, knowing there was a lecture in store for me.

"You had an argument?" Dad asked.

"Yeah." Although, it was less of an argument and more of me acting like a raging bastard.

Dad hummed. "She's a good kid. Good for you and everyone else around her. I'm not surprised she wants to help, even if it puts her at risk."

I rubbed my face. "She's determined to do that. I just can't, there's no way I would let her become a target."

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