Chapter 25

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Ezra's POV.

Sam was quiet as I headed their way. Then a deep sigh made it through the link.

"Just..." Sam said. "Don't be so hard on him. He's already beating himself up over everything. We're at the southern barrier. I'll see you later."

"Got it."

I knew Hayden. I've known him for a long time. No matter how much of a foolish and an arrogant asshole he liked to portray himself as sometimes, he was anything but. He knew how to be serious when circumstances called for it, and he certainly knew not to mess with anyone else's mate.

But sometimes, even the strongest and most upright people lose the battle against their heart. I hoped that wouldn't be the case with Hayden. I would hate to get his blood on my hands.

I ran in my fur towards the southern barriers, the ones closest to our backyards. Hayden was waiting for me there, leaning against a tree, his gray hoodie pulled over his face. He straightened as I shifted back to my skin, got a pair of shorts from my usual tree borrow and pulled them on.

"We need to talk," I said, facing him. I crossed my arms over my bare chest and watched as he rubbed his face, his eyes never meeting mine.

"I know," he breathed out. "I- Shit how do I even begin?" he mumbled more to himself.

"How about you begin with why you look at my mate the way you do?" I growled out. He cringed and met my gaze. Gold and amber swirled in his blue eyes.

"It's my magic," he said. "The first time I saw her, it went so wild that I thought she was my..."

He didn't say the word, and wisely so. I barely bit back a growl because I knew what he was about to say.

He'd thought she was his mate.

Werewolves and vampires recognize their mate through scent. Witches do through their magic. A witch's magic will becomes wild and attracted to their mate at first sight.

"But it was just for a few seconds before I realized that wasn't it. It still feels someway attached to her, my magic that is. My eyes just find her. It's like I can't control it. But," he paused, his expression regretful and apologetic, "I know she's your mate. I would never lay a hand on someone else's mate, let alone yours. You should know that."

"I do," I replied firmly. "But that doesn't mean I'll be okay with what you have for her. Get your magic and yourself under control, Hayden. You may be family, but I won't hesitate to rip your balls out if you come close to her. You should know that."

"Oh, believe me, I do." His lips twitched up.

I sighed and eyed him for a while. He held my gaze, and I could see he was truly sorry. I knew he had his heart in the right place, but I just couldn't take the idea of him taking an interest in Orla lightly.

Although, she did have that effect on people. It was a wonder I wasn't swatting guys left and right around her.

Thunder roared in the distance. I glanced up. The weather had been bright and clear only minutes ago. Now heavy gray clouds gathered in the sky. I fixed Hayden with my gaze again.

"Why does it do that?" I asked. "Why is your magic attached to her? You barely even know her."

"I have no clue," he said. "I guess it's another thing to add to the list of things she's able to do."

I nodded. It was time for Orla to be out of class, and I couldn't wait to see her again. It had only been hours, but I missed her already. God, I was whipped, but I couldn't care less.

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