Chapter 38

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There was just one missing piece... Why was I human? Why did I smell and feel like a human?

"Is there a way to conceal one's nature?" I asked out loud, catching everyone's attention. "Is there a way- some sort of magic- to make a supernatural appear like a normal human?"

Hayden sighed. "There is," he said, giving me a smile. "You know now, don't you? You realized."

I glanced at Ezra and Sam. "I'm not the only one who realized it, though."

Ezra's jaw tightened. His fear tightened the bond. Considering the Fae's bloody end, he had reason to be apprehensive.

"Can someone please explain to the rest of us slow-witted beings?" Zach asked, waving his hand around.

And so Hayden explained. The fact that I was able to wield magic without training and my healing abilities all indicated I was a supernatural being, not human. That I might actually be a fairy.

Especially considering that there was, indeed, a way to hide one's true nature.

The moment Hayden uttered that F word, everyone looked like they'd seen death itself. Shock and fear and disbelief.

Ashley was the first to recover. "How is she still human, then?"

"There's a strong spell called the Lock," Hayden explained. "It locks away a supernatural being's true aura and scent, which leaves them as a human, basically."

"Why the heck didn't you say something about it earlier? It explains a lot of things," Ashley said, her sharp dark eyes set on Hayden.

"I did tell Ezra, but we dismissed it because the spell is strong magic," Hayden said. "Strong magic that even the strongest of witches can't perform. It can only be casted by a moon child or a fairy from a close line to Primus', a very strong fairy."

"Which makes sense, if the fae have actually survived," Haley said, nodding to herself. "They cast that spell on Orla. Maybe her parents?"

"Wow." Zach rubbed his forehead, the dread in his eyes mirroring Ezra's. He knew the dangers that this might unleash on me. On us.

"You knew?" I asked Ezra through the link.

"I did," he replied. "I realized it just a few minutes ago. Sam, too."

I nodded and leaned my head on his chest. "It'll to be alright."

"It will," he said firmly, pressing his lips to my hair, his fear laced with strong determination. "I'll make sure of it."

"Why would they do that, though?" Hayley asked. "Her parents or whoever cast the Lock. Why would they lock away her magic and her identity."

"Probably for protection," Ezra said. "They even left a necklace with her. A silver necklace. Most likely to discourage supernaturals from coming close."

"A silver necklace? Then it confirms our theory that she's from a strong line. Normal fairies are more vulnerable to Silver than those of a strong line."

"When you say strong line," I asked, "you mean the descendants of the fae who drank directly from Primus' blood?"

Hayden nodded. "Yes. The blood isn't as watered down as if they'd drank it from a fairy."

"Can we see the necklace?" Sam said, his first words in a while, uncharacteristically.

I retrieved the necklace from my closet. I knelt on the carpet and put the box on the coffee table.

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