Chapter 10

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Hey guys! Here's another chapter for the week! (because @Bookshelves12 asked for it)

I hope you enjoy it! 

P.S.: it's not fully edited, so if you notice any mistakes, do let me know! I appreciate it.

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I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move.

He'd said Ezra.

Maybe I just misheard. I focused on their voices again.

"Dude! you're a future alpha for goodness sake!"

"Yeah. But he's our future king!" He replied. "Don't act like you won't do the same."

"Yeah, we probably would."

Their king?!

They chuckled, before turning serious again.

"How do you think she got this deep in the woods? Something wrong with the barriers?"

"Probably, that's the only explanation. I'm more curious about what they'll do with the human, though."

"What needs to be done."

The ominous words sent a shiver of fear down my spine. The guys- wolves- left shortly after. I stayed there, unmoving, for what was probably hours. I didn't want to take the chance of running into them if they were still looking around.

My mind was running in circles. I didn't want to think about the implications of their words, or what I'd seen today. Later. When I'm safely in my cabin.

The night was falling outside. Darkness claimed the woods. It should be safe to go now, right? My muscles and bones groaned as I slinked out of my hiding spot. Gray following me.

I picked him up. He'd been such a good boy, not giving me away. My eyes flickered around the dark woods. The shadows of the trees seemed like giant monsters looming over me. The comfort I usually found in the woods was tainted by the memories of the wolves and the echoes of the crackling sounds in my head.

Something crunched. I whipped around, my heart beating. An owl hooted in the distance. I had to get out of here.

Heart in my throat, I hurried to my cabin. Fortunately, I managed to find the way quickly. But only after I died a thousand times at every little sound I heard.

The rain tapered a drizzle. I almost cried when I saw the line of the cabins through the trees. I let go of Gray. He beelined home. My steps faltered. Would they be inside? The lights were off in my cabin and the one next door. Just in case. I took off my yellow hoodie, leaving me in a tank top. The chill of the rain and my sodden clothes made my teeth chatter. I rolled the hoodie and sneaked into the cabin, keeping the hoodie behind my back. The cabin was dark and quiet. No one in. Thank God.

I closed the door and took the stairs two a time upstairs, calling Gray to me. I didn't feel good leaving him alone until I figured out this mess.

I got into my room and locked it, turned on the bedside lamp then strode to the bathroom. I looked around. The yellow hoodie had to disappear. I opened the cupboard below the sink. There was a stack of toilet paper, a basket of white towels, another with cleaning products. I pulled out the stack of toilet paper, shoved the hoodie in the far back, then stacked the toilet paper again so that it would cover it. There. It wasn't visible.

I closed the cupboard and sank to the floor, feeling slightly better. I glanced at my jeans. Dirt and mud stained my shoes and pants. Had I left my muddy footprints?

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