Chapter 1

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Welcome to Lupus Private University.

I looked up at the sign. Elegant black characters over a white background. The rumble of the bus driving away disturbed the otherwise quiet area. I was surprised a bus even made it this far, considering the school was practically in the middle of the woods. I peeked through the barred gate. The paved road stretched inside the walls of the school, but there was nothing but trees as far as the eyes could see.

Just how big was this place?

I made my way to the security booth next to the gate, dragging my suitcase and adjusting the strap of my duffle bag. It kept slipping off my shoulder.

I reached the security booth and tapped on the small window. It opened after a few seconds, revealing a middle-aged man with smiling hazel eyes and graying hair. He blinked, looking from one of my eyes to the other. I smiled politely. It was the same reaction whenever I met someone new.

"Yes?" He finally said.

"Hi. I'm a new student here?" I said.

"Your papers, please," he asked with a kind smile. I put down my luggage and fumbled in my bag for the papers. They must take security quite seriously around here.

I handed him my ID, acceptance letter and a few documents that were sent to me a couple of weeks earlier.

"Miss White." He looked between me and the papers, the crow feet at the corner of his eyes accentuated by his smile. "Welcome. Please, come in."

"Thank you."

The small door near the main gate slid open automatically. I dragged my luggage through it. The security agent met me on the other side. He was taller than I expected, around six feet, and very well built for someone his age.

He was dressed in a gray polo shirt with the logo of the university on his chest, cargo pants and black boots. The short sleeves of his top strained against his muscled arms.

"A vehicule is coming to pick you up," he said, handing me back my papers. "Please have a seat."

He waved to a bench at the edge of the paved road cutting through the trees. He helped me with my luggage and stood nearby as I perched on the wooden bench.

A soft morning breeze blew a red curl in front of my face, I tucked it behind my ear and took in my surroundings.

The world was turning into orange as autumn took over summer. Auburn leaves lined the side of the road. But I could see the stubborn verdure deep in the woods, where the trees were evergreen giants that never shed their green cloak.

There was no sign of people nearby, no building in sight, the only noise was the twittering of birds and rustling of trees. Just how deep in the woods the school grounds actually were?

"You are a freshman, right?"

I looked back at the man and nodded. "Yes. It's my first year."

"Welcome, then. I hope you'll like it here," he said with a warm smile.

"Thank you," I smiled back. I hoped I would like it here, too. "Is the school far from here?"

"It takes around fifteen minutes by car," he said, scratching his chin. "The vehicle will drop you near the campus. Everything is located there; school buildings, some shops and other facilities. A guide who'll show you around."

Right then, a small Mercedes van stopped right next to us. I greeted the man who helped me put my luggage in the trunk, then settled in the backseat after waving the king security guard goodbye.

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