Chapter 41: All that was well ends well

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AN: Hello loyal readers! First of all I can't even begin to imagine the burning agony which you felt when you saw that your favorite (;)) fanfiction has not updated since 2021. My apologies for that. People grow up, and phases come and go. LOTR and the Hobbit has helped me through my darkest times and will always have a special place inside of my heart. I know how important this fandom can be and I will admit that I never forgot you, and even though I did not have the time to write I have always read the new comments through my email. Anyways, hopefully I'm bringing even the slightest bit of joy with bringing this chapter.

wishing you all the best, your writer.

Bilbo POV:

As I felt his warm lips on mine, I knew that there would never be a moment in my life that would make me more complete than this. One could not describe the feeling of longing for someone so much that it aches you, and then finally getting it fulfilled. His warm gaze fell upon me, and his beard softly tickled my cheek.

"Why are you crying, my dearest ghivashel?"

The only thing I could do was simply stare back into his beautiful grey-blueish eyes, and marvel that their attention was finally mine alone.

"I... don't know. I have simply never felt such feelings of happiness and completion before. I thank you for that, my love"

His eyes widened and I saw his grin slowly broaden as his arms wrapped around me even tighter. An even warmer embrace of pure love couldn't exist. Shouldn't exist. My thoughts wandered: what if this never happened at all? What if our story had a very different way of going? What if our love never blossomed? What if... one of us never made it to Erebor? My jaw clenched and I did not want to think of this a moment longer. I should not think of the what-ifs , but only treasure what is now.

I slowly closed my eyes and let myself fully draft away in his strong arms. Nothing could ever compare to this feeling of utter joy. And what was even better, was that we had all the time in the world to enjoy ourselves.

Or so I thought.

The door to our room slammed open, and a hasty Kíli came barging in, with a look of worry on his face.

"UNCLE!!" He yelled, not expressing one form of emotion while looking at the position Thorin and I found ourselves in. Strange. Normally he would have absolutely screamed, yelled and squealed the entire mountain together by now.

"Uncle- uncles- fuck, Thorin, my mother is here."

.... You've got to be kidding me.

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