Chapter 21: I see Erebor

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Thorin POV
We are almost in Mirkwood. We're almost home! But.... would Bilbo want to stay in Erebor with me? I think so.... I hope so.

"We're at the border!"



"Would you like to walk with me?"

It's a dwarven costume to walk with your fiancée.

"Oh, I'm sorry Thorin. Ori asked me to walk with him already."

Grumph. Ori. He's mine!

"But I asked him if it is okay if I walk with you. He understood."

Yes! Mental high-five!


Why do I sound so creepy?

"This feels sick. These woods. Don't you feel it?"

"What the elves do is none of my buisness. But yes, it feels sick."

Bilbo was shaking cold.

"Here. Take my cloak. You're obviously cold and we don't want a freezing burglar, would we?"

"Thank you, Thorin. I really appreciate it. But won't you get cold?"

"I'll just make sure to lay very close next to you tonight, dear hobbit."


"That would be nice."


"We would both be warm that way."

"And we won't get cold!"

"Best duo ever!"

"How would we call each other? The duo, I mean. Our 'slogan'?"


"Too short. Maybe bagginshield?"

"Sounds good. But why is your name always first?"

"No idea."

"Team bagginshield!"

"Always the best!"

"Nobody's gonna tear us apart!"

"Exept if Bilbo goes back to the Shire!"

"He won't!"

"Won't he?"

"No, if the king thinks he must stay in Erebor."

"The king does."


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