Chapter 37; If only he knew...

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AN: Of course Bilbo knew that he had sex with Frerin.... But Thorin doesn't:)

Bilbo POV

Oh, for Yavannah's sake, why is the family Durin so incredibly stressed?!
It's not like the world exploded when the found out I wasn't a virgin! And it's not like Thorin knows I lost my virginity to his brother! Right?


He can't possibly know.

And besides, it's in the past.

I'm courted by Thorin, not his brother.

Otherwise, Frerin, you got me there.

But if Thorin knows, could he still love me knowing what I did?

Well it's not like it's his problem, so he should keep his nose out of my business.

"Bilbo! What got your knickers in a twist today, lad? Did Thorin something dumb? Don't worry, it isn't uncommon."

"Oh, hey Nori. No Thorin didn't do anything, I guess. He's just always busy with a stupid book and Fili. And being all mysterious and stuff. We didn't even have elevensies! For two days in a row!"

"So you're jealous, aye?"

"Well yes, but it's not like it's my fault. So what did I do wrong?"

"Don't worry, knowing him he's probably busy with work or something. Y'know, you could bring him cookies? Bombur bakes them this morning so they're still fresh."

"Do you think I'm welcome? I mean, he threw Dwalin out...."

"Lad, if there's anybody welcome it's you. Go on, get that stubborn bastard out here!"


I walked to the kitchen and I saw Fili and Kili arguing.

Well, who am I not to watch and listen?

"Fili, the Durin name shall be brought to shame if Dain finds out! Sex before marriage is basically illegal!"

"Yes, but who says that Dain has to find out? Let's keep it a secret, he won't tell it anymore, you know that right? And it's not like Bilbo would say it, he blushes if you say 'Naked Thorin' if he's close."


Do they think Thorin and I had sex?

"Hey lads, uhm, sorry to interrupt, but your uncle and I haven't had sex. (Yet)"

"You didn't have sex? But what was written in the books? His diary?"

"His diary?"

"Yes, about 'the cute hobbit he lured in with his dwarven charms'?"

"Well he certainly lured me in, but sex? No, not yet."

"Yet? You're planning on fucking a corpse? Filthy, filthy hobbit that you are!"

"Corpse? Is he dead? When did that happen? How?"

"29 years ago...."

"Was it all a dream? When do I wake up? Thorin is dead?"

"Thorin? We were talking about Frerin....."

"So Thorin isn't dead?"

"So did have sex with Frerin and plan to have sex with Thorin?"

"Yes and yes, but what's the big deal about the first?"

"You're in for a long story, uncle Bilbo......"

AN: special credit to my friend DaddyEricc for motivating me to write again! Question of the day: who's your favourite character from the Hobbit and who's your favourite actor? Mine is Martin Freeman or Benedict Cumberbatch. Ehehe I love them 😍
Well, until next chapter!



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