Chapter 7: Don't let go

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AN: HOLY SHIT 100 READS *dives into a pool of holy water* thank you so much!

Bilbo POV

Thorin acted weird....
I hope I didn't do anything wrong!
Or did he notice my undying love for him? I don't hope so. I'm just a silly little hobbit of the Shire and he is a feisty hot strong brave handsome dwarf King..... No, it's just a dream. When Erebor is reclaimed I will go back to the Shire and never see him again. All alone for the rest of my life....


"What's up Bilbo?"

Speak of the devil.

"Nothing, Thorin, I'm fine."

Thorin POV

He really hates me, doesn't he?

"What, no I don't!"

Crap. Said that out loud, didn't I?

"You hate me, don't you?"

"N-No I don't!  You are my best friend! I was just thinking after we reclaimed Erebor that I'm going back to the Shire, all alone... "

But where would I be without you, Thorin?

"You could stay in Erebor with m-us. We would love that."


"Yes. You are my best friend to, master burglar."

I owe you my life and I love you, Bilbo.

Hiya guys! What do you think about the subtext? They didn't say it out loud, of course. Stubborn zucchinis. Our stubborn zucchinis.

Anyway, long chapter and AN today. The hotel before had reallyyyy bad wifi. This hotel has great wifi! But Saturday I'm going back home, so no updates then. Monday I (have to) go back to school so maybe less updates. ( homework, tests, that kind of shit.)

I hope more, but I can't promise anything. (Especially the school wifi. Horrible.)

BTW,  does anyone want to make a cover for this story or is this fine? Otherwise I try to make one myself, or this one stays.

Thanks for reading this, love you!

Ps. Got a new name. Like it?

~ tomhiddlestoned ♡

Can't Help Falling In Love With You - bagginshieldWhere stories live. Discover now