Chapter 24: The song and PINING and FLUFF {Personal favourite chapter writer!♡}

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AN: to fluffy for my shit and Bilbo is oblivious.

Bilbo POV

《Wise men say,》

I think of Gandalf and Balin. They say we belong together, I hope we do.

《Only fools rush in...》

I chuckled. Yes, they do. When the dwarrows "rushed" in my hobbit-hole.

《But I can't help, Falling in love》

His dark hair.


His beautiful icey blue eyes.



《Shall I stay?》

Please, stay forever by my side.

《Would it be a sin?》

Never, my love. My heart. My One.

《For I 》

I, Bilbo Baggins.


Son of Bungo Baggins of the Shire.


Would always be there for you

《Falling 》

And even if I won't,  I swear it's just to protect you, to never ever lose you.

《In 》

I promise.


I will always love, admire, and cherish you, and never forget you, or leave you, or let you feel left behind, or lonely, or let you down. I will sing you to sleep, press a kiss to your beautiful hair, would sing lullabys to you, would make you laugh, would make you happy when you cry, and be there for you, always. I would be the one that falls asleep next to you, to wake up in the morning to see your beautiful sleeping face, to make you your favourite breakfast every morning you'd like, and every Sunday we would stay in bed pressing soft kisses to each others lips, and just say sweet nothings to each other, and I would stroke your hair, braiding it, while saying  I love you even now and then. I would go deep down to the mines of Moria for you, or far away in the depths of Mordor.  I would do everything for you.


Till the end of my days and longer.


If you'd only let me.

AN: I cried. <3

Question: What's your favourite chapter? My writing style changed quite a lot so..... Mine's this chapter, it was so fun to write.....

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