Authors Note; Why Is This My Life

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Hey Guys, I know I haven't updated in a while. I'm quite busy with working, for 8 hours a day, so I'm exhausted. But I need the money because I want to buy a new phone, so I have to deal with it I guess.

Next week I'm going on a holiday, and while it looks like the ideal opportunity to write, I don't have the best wifi to say at least.

The week after that I don't have anything, exept if I choose to work, but I won't.

And the week after that school starts. Yay.

So long story short, I really can't write right now. I can try? But the quality of the chapters will be badder. I don't want that. Or they would be really short.

Remember that I love you all, and that there won't be any updates for a while.

Love you,

~ tomhiddlestoned

(PS OMG 2000+ READS HOLY MAHAL I love you ❤😍💋)

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