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Greetings wizards and muggles!

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Greetings wizards and muggles!

This is a Draco x Reader fanfiction story written by me. Please do take note that I'm no professional writer and I only write to express my thoughts and storylines to entertain.

English is also not my first language so expect some errors and misspellings. I'm still learning so please try to bear with me as you read my work.


Read at your own risk ! ! !

This story may contain some
Vulgar words (Profanities.)
Age gap (4 years.)

& More contents that's not
suitable for minor readers.

If you're not comfortable with reading this type of story, you may leave and ignore it.



Tho there's a big age gap between Draco and the reader in this story, there's no Pedophilia nor Grooming involved- Want to know how? Read it for yourself.

This is a free book wherein 16 years old+ viewers can read. (Not for the readers who hate profanities and some serious topics that might be discussed in this book.)


You can immediately skip to chapter V if you want to see Draco's first appearance.

(However doing this will cost you, losing some important details of the plot.)


Reading this book requires a lot of patience !!!

Not because of the slow updates, but because this book requires a major slow burn and deep understanding about ones perspectives.


𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: This fanfiction was made just for the purpose of amusing the readers and expressing the writer's opinions; J.K. Rowling's original HP characters were not owned by the story's author. Any names or circumstances are totally coincidental, and the author exclusively owns the plot.

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Have fun reading! ♡

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