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“Very foolish!”

[Lucius Malfoy.]

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It was his own father, Lucius Malfoy, holding his wand with a deadly grip, his face twisted with rage and disgust. Draco trembled as he felt his father's cold glares pierce through him, making him feel smaller and more insignificant than ever before.

He couldn't help but remember the countless times he had tried to please his father, only to be met with disappointment and scorn. He had always felt like he was living in his father's shadow, never able to fully live up to his expectations.

As he stood there, frozen in fear and shame, Draco knew what he had done wrong this time. It was about him joining the Triwizard tournament for a little girl— not just a little girl, but in his father's eyes, he defended someone who has dirty blood.

Harry and Professor McGonagall already went inside the tent, as they knew that Draco would have to talk to his father first.

Despite his fear, Draco knew he couldn't back down. He had to face his father and stand up for himself. He took a deep breath and stepped forward, meeting his father's gaze with a determined look in his eyes. “What do you want, father?” he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

Lucius sneered at his son, his wand still pointed at him. “You know exactly what I want, boy,” he spat. “I want you to stop this foolishness and come back inside the castle where you belong. You are a Malfoy, not a blood-traitor.

Draco gritted his teeth, feeling a surge of anger rise within him. He had always resented his father's narrow-minded views and his blind loyalty to the Dark Lord and their pure-blooded mindset. He knew he could never go back to that life, not after everything he had seen and experienced.

“I am not a traitor,” he replied, his voice steady and firm. “I am doing what I believe is right, father.”

Lucius was taken aback by the sudden tone and words of his own son. He never expected Draco to talk back to him in such a manner. The young Malfoy's behavior had changed significantly in recent times. His association with the Muggles and his blood-traitor tendencies had come as a rude shock to Lucius. He was disgusted by his son's behavior and could not fathom how he had turned out like this. Lucius had always envisioned his son as a pure-blood wizard who would carry forward the Malfoy legacy. He had invested a lot of time and effort in grooming Draco to be the perfect heir, but now he was not sure if he wanted Draco to inherit the family legacy.

For a moment, the tension between them was palpable as they both held their ground, unwilling to give in. Draco couldn't help but feel a twinge of fear as he faced off against his father, knowing damn well that this confrontation would likely end badly for him. It was his first time standing up to Lucius like this, but he simply couldn't stand by and let Y/n enter the dangerous tournament she had no desire to be a part of.

As the silence stretched on, Draco tried to steady his nerves and gather his thoughts. He knew that his father wouldn't take kindly to his defiance, but he was determined to stand up for what he believed in, regardless of the consequences he will have to face later on.

Finally, after a few moments of tense silence, Lucius broke the stillness with a scoff and spoke out, his tone filled with disbelief and disappointment, “This is not how I raised you, Draco!

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