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All's fair in love and war.

[Ronald Weasley.]

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The boisterous sound of the crowd could be heard from the whole arena as they erupted into a deafening roar to celebrate Draco's hard-fought victory. It was an unexpected outcome, considering the fact that he had to face one of the most fearsome and deadly dragons in the wizarding world without any prior preparation or experience in physical combat.

Without a moment's hesitation, Y/n leaped onto the arena, knowing that Draco would catch her— and he did. His strong arms wrapped around her, and they held each other tightly for what seemed like an eternity.

Draco felt a sense of belonging and completeness that he had never experienced before; he was finally being seen. Draco was being praised, heard, and loved, something he thought was impossible, knowing that he didn't have the best image as a student at Hogwarts.

Looking into Y/n's eyes, he knew that he had found something special. Something that he would cherish forever, a home.

“You did it! Draco, you did it!” Y/n exclaimed with joy and pride, feeling her heart swell with happiness as she tightly hugged Draco, never wanting to let go of him.

Draco's face lit up with a wide smile, as he returned her embrace, feeling grateful for having Y/n by his side. He pressed a soft kiss on the back of her head, relishing the sweet scent of her hair. “I did, little dandelion,” Draco whispered, his voice brimming with elation and affection.

“I couldn't have done it without you. Your unwavering support and encouragement gave me the strength and motivation to succeed.” he added.

The little girl's eyes sparkled with admiration and love as she looked up at Draco, feeling overwhelmed with emotion. She knew how much it meant to him, and she couldn't have been more proud of him.

“Way to go mate!” cheered Crabbe, which was quickly supported by Goyle. “All hail Draco, the one and only! Woohoo!”

Even Blaise was now standing so close as he exclaimed, “Congratulations, bro.” with a glint of happiness in his voice. Followed by Pansy. “I'm glad you're safe.”

As Draco stood in the middle of the field, every single Slytherin ran towards him with so much excitement, their cheers and applause echoing throughout the stadium. They were not just happy because Draco had protected the little girl; they were also thrilled that the spotlight was finally on the Slytherin house. For far too long, Hogwarts, especially Dumbledore, had given them the cold shoulder. They were always labeled as bullies, torturers, and descendants of he-who-must-not-be-named and more.

“Very well, congratulations,” Professor Snape paused, “Mr. Malfoy.”

Despite the professor's stern appearance, It was as if he had been waiting for this moment, and he was pleased that Draco had won the first task. Snape's pride in his student was palpable, even though he attempted to conceal it behind a facade of indifference, which brought a smile to Draco's face, knowing he didn't just have his Potion's professor proud of him but his godfather as well.

It was a moment of triumph for the whole Slytherin house, as they proved that they were more than just their reputation, they were able to showcase their true character - not just the cunning and ambition that they are known for, but also their capacity for kindness and brilliance that is often overlooked. They have a place in Hogwarts, and that they belonged there just as much as any other house.

As for Draco's father— Lucius Malfoy was too stunned to speak.

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“Who could've thought that Malfoy's actually going to do it?” Said Ron as they all gathered in the Gryffindor common room.
The victory of Harry was celebrated by everyone, but the topic of discussion was still the earlier event. Everyone was still amazed that Draco did not back out and instead faced the dragon for Y/n's sake.

“Who knows?” answered Harry, causing both Hermione and Ron to raise their eyebrows. “Maybe we were wrong about him?”
Hermione rolled her eyes at Harry's suggestion. “You gotta be kidding us, Harry,” she said. “That's Malfoy we're talking about, we weren't wrong about him, not in the slightest.”

But then Hermione paused and flipped the pages of her book, lost in thought. “But you know, maybe people can change,” she mused. “Perhaps that's what's happening right now with Malfoy. He's changing for her.”

“I'm still skeptical about him.” Ron admitted as he looked at the fireplace near the sofa the three of them are sitting at.

Harry let out a sigh and shrugged his shoulders saying, “He's a bully, racist, coward or sometimes worse,” he exclaimed. “But that doesn't mean he treats Y/n the same way he treats us.”

“Where is Y/n, by the way?” Ron asked. The little girl had yet to return for the rest of the evening, having only congratulated Harry earlier and given him flowers and hugs before heading off to Draco.

“They said she's in the Slytherin common room,” Harry answered. Ron's response was immediate and concerned. “Bloody Hell! Is she even safe there?! Harry, why did you let her go there in the first place?!”

Hermione quickly intervened, trying to calm Ron down before he could do anything rash and shush him to sit down before he could even run out and break into the other house's common room, and said, “Oh calm down, will you? Stop trying to do something that will lead us to suspension again!”

“I'm sure she's safe there,” said Harry.

“Well how will you know?” Ron raised an eyebrow, clearly he wasn't convinced.

“Slytherins are known for their dark magic and cunning ways! What if they're up to something and Y/n is caught in the middle of it?” he added. “She's a child, so fragile and little.”

“Because Malfoy's there,” said Harry.

“And? Shouldn't we be more scared—” Ron's words were immediately cut off.

“If he can break into a chamber full of teachers without his wand just to take Y/n's slot in the Triwizard tournament and face a dangerous dragon without any practice, I'm pretty sure he can fight a whole room full of snakes just to make sure she wouldn't get bitten,” Harry exclaimed which silence not only Ron but even Hermione.

That was it, even though they didn't want to accept it, they knew Harry was so damn right about that. Draco may be a bully, rotten-spoiled brat, a person who displays a sense of entitlement, and holds prejudiced views towards Muggle-born individuals, who usually shames people for being below him and different.

They can still all agree that he's the same person who defended Y/n when she was being harmed by Mclaggen and his friends.

It was Draco who defied the rules of the Triwizard tournament in order to help the little girl.

He was the same person who fought a dragon on her behalf, and even now, he is willing to face the next dangerous task for her and her alone.

So, maybe he's the bad guy, maybe he's that insufferable character from every teen novel they've ever read, but they can't also deny the inevitable fact that Y/n is happier and safer in his arms than she ever was with them.

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