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“We can't choose our faith, but
we can choose others. Be careful in knowing that.”

[Albus Dumbledore.]

☄. *. ⋆

It's been months since the encounter with Cormac McLaggen and his friends. Draco has kept his promise to the little girl, protecting and caring for her. At first, the Golden Trio hesitated about letting them continue to meet, but Draco has proven himself a worthy protector and friend to Y/n. In the end, they let them go, knowing the little girl is happy with his company

It is still new to everyone how Draco has a tender spot for the little girl. He is like a father willing to take care of his precious little daughter. He spends time with her and teaches her some advanced magic that wasn't taught in the first year, just like Y/n. He also ensures that no one else bullies or harms her, just like what happened last time.


The moment the little girl saw the platinum blonde guy, she immediately ran towards him, and just like that, Draco scooped her little frame, carrying her in his arms.
“Hey there, princess. How's your day?” Draco asked, staring at her (e/c) eyes.
“Professor Snape had to throw me out of his class,” She pouted. “But I did have fun making one of his pots explode!” Y/n exclaimed happily. She loved being a little mischievous, and she knew that Draco would never scold her for it. In fact, he encouraged her to be herself and to never be afraid of expressing her true self.

Upon hearing that, Draco couldn't help but chuckle at the little girl's story, “Oh princess, you've done it again.” He laughed gently, ruffling Y/n's hair. 

“What? I just followed the instructions in the book, I didn't know it would explode.” The little girl said replied playing with the Slytherin tie around Draco's neck.

Y/n often plays with Draco's neck tie, fidgeting with it or even tying it as a ribbon whenever she's making an excuse for her mischievous behavior. It has become a habit of hers that Draco doesn't really seem to mind.

Isn't it lovely how a perfectionist lets his sense of perfectionism just be ruined by her mischievousness?

“I know,” Draco chuckled. “In order to avoid that from happening again, it seemed like I'd have to teach you more about potions.” He said, gently putting Y/n down as he crouched down at her level.
Y/n immediately nodded her head in agreement. "Yes, you do! You teach better than Professor Snape can!” She said, slightly annoyed.
“He knows nothing but to say, “10 points will be taken away from the Gryffindor house,” and scolds me for mixing all the potions up!” The little girl added, trying to mimic the stern tone of the potions master, which only made Draco laugh even harder.

Draco have so much respect for the old professor, to the point that no one would expect that he was really laughing about someone making fun of Snape.

“Alright, that's enough, little one. We don't want the grumpy professor to see us talking behind his back, don't we?” Draco said as he looked at Y/n with a smile on his face.
“Okay, okay! I'll stop,” She answered, pausing for a little while before suddenly asking, “Say Draco? What's the Triwizard all about? Everyone's been talking about it since yesterday.”

Draco then proceeds that the Triwizard Tournament is a magical competition between three well-known wizarding schools in Europe, Hogwarts, Durmstrang, and Beauxbatons. Each school has one champion who will compete in three tasks. The champion with the highest total score after the third task wins the Triwizard cup. The champions are chosen by an unbiased selector, the Goblet of Fire.

“Then that's it, the one who will win the tournament will win the Triwizard cup.” Draco added.

“Woah! That sounds cool, may I also enter the competition?” The small girl inquired, her face lit up with joy.

Draco cleared his throat, then replied, “I'm sorry, princess, but only fifth year students and above can participate in the tournament. It's a highly competitive event that requires advanced magical skills and knowledge.” He paused to emphasize the seriousness of the tournament, then continued, “And even if you were allowed to join, I don't suggest you do so.”
Y/n's face fell, disappointed at the news. “But why? That seemed cool, Draco! I want to do something for this school too!” she exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

Draco sighed, then explained, “The Triwizard Tournament is not just a contest, Y/n. It's a survival game that tests the students' physical, mental, and emotional endurance. Even the toughest witch or wizard could struggle to handle its challenges.”

Y/n looked down, feeling discouraged. She thought that Draco didn't believe in her, that he thought she wasn't good enough to participate in the tournament. But her overthinking was suddenly cut off when Draco spoke again.
“I'm not saying that you're not capable, Y/n. I know you have great potential as a witch, and I trust your abilities. However, I also know how dangerous the Triwizard game could get. I wouldn't want you to get hurt.”
“Besides, you can still help this school, such as by learning how to ride your broomstick, or,” He paused, smiling at her, “By learning more about potions so that you won't end up making Professor Snape's pot explode again.” As he spoke, Draco's smile grew wider, and Y/n couldn't help but smile back.

She knew that he was right— there were so many other ways she could make a difference at Hogwarts.

“So please, Y/n. Don't be sad anymore, please do understand that I only care enough for you and your well-being for me to be this against about you, joining the Triwizard Tournament if ever you're given a chance.” Draco added looking at the little girl with the most sincerest voice he could ever muster.

“Okay. Then I won't insist on joining anymore.” Convinced, Y/n answered as she leaned closer to Draco, hugging him tightly.
Draco let out a deep sigh of relief, feeling the tension in his body melt away as he wrapped his arms around her small frame, pulling her close to him in a reassuring embrace. As he held her, he couldn't help but think about how much he had grown to care for Y/n. She had become like a little sister to him, and the thought of anything happening to her was enough to send shivers down his spine.

It was strange to feel such a strong sense of protectiveness over someone else, especially when he had spent most of his life alone. Growing up in the cold and quiet manor of the Malfoy’s, Draco had never had anyone to play with except for Dobby, their house elf. But even Dobby had left them after Harry Potter gave him a piece of sock, leaving Draco with no one to turn to but himself.

He had always been alone, isolated from the rest of the world. He had never known what it was like to have a family or friends, until he met her.

Now that he's finally found a friend and a little sister— a family in Y/n, he's not risking it again. He's not going to lose her, the only person who's the reason why Draco's darkest days suddenly has its guiding light. He knew could not always prevent some bad things from happening just like this.

   and so, he vowed to do everything in his power to protect her and keep her by his side, no matter what.

“Good because, you, getting hurt would be the loss of my sanity,” He whispered underneath his breath.

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