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Things we lose have a way of
coming back to us in the end,
if not always in the way we expect.

[Luna Lovegood.]

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“I don't know where that platform is, find it yourself. I'll be going home now.” Y/n's step-mother exclaimed without any hint of emotions written on her face.

“Thank you, Madame. I'll miss you...” The little girl hugged her step-mother's waist, with teary eyes she gazed up at her but she received nothing but a loud sigh of annoyance by her step-mother who immediately pulled away.

“Yeah, yeah whatever. Enjoy school or whatever that is.” Without any hesitation, Y/n's step mother just left without a word, leaving her there carrying a big baggage. Her stepmother's abrupt departure left her feeling bewildered and alone, unsure of what to do next or where to go.

Since Y/n was clueless about this wizarding world, she didn't have the chance to go to Olivander's to get her own wand. All she had was a piece of her daily clothing, the robes that was given to her with the letter and the ticket to Platform 9 ¾. Not knowing anyone who could help explain things, Y/n stood in London King's Cross station feeling lost and overwhelmed, wondering how she would ever find her way to the mysterious Platform 9 ¾ and begin her journey at this school of witchcraft and wizardry.

It was a bit cruel though, her step-mother leaving an 11 years old kid for her own sake of happiness and freedom. How could she let a kid wander alone inside a big train station with no one to guide her? It wasn't fair to abandon a kid just like that.

“Excuse me officer, but where is the Platform 9 ¾?” Y/n asked the officer nearby carrying her old and dusty baggage that she only borrowed from her cruel step-mother who already left.

The officer looked down at her with a big frown on his face, “Look kid, I'm not playing with you. I have so many things to do.” He replied.

“But I just wanted to ask where is th- Platform 9 ¾ does not exist!” Before Y/n could continue her words, the man cut her words off leaving her confused but still she managed to smile despite the surprise written all over her face.

“Oh, is that so... Thank you. I must have mistaken some things.” The little girl apologized as she made her way at the other side of the station.

She sat with her back against the wall close to the Platforms 10 and 9. Feeling doubtful and downhearted now that she'd just discovered Platform 9 ¾ didn't actually exist, she wondered if the person who sent the letter tricked her? But how could they? There'd even been robes inside the package addressed to her.

The more she pondered the more puzzled and distressed she became, not knowing what to believe now as doubts filled her mind.

She had arrived at King's Cross Station filled with excitement and wonder, anticipating the journey to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that was described in the acceptance letter she had received. However, after searching all over for the hidden platform, asking several station workers and even other students, she was told in no uncertain terms that Platform 9 ¾ did not exist.

This news came as a huge blow, crushing the hopes and dreams that had been building within her ever since she first read the letter. If the platform was made up, did that mean the whole thing was a hoax? An elaborate prank? But why would anyone go to such lengths, sending robes and a letter with the Hogwarts crest? It seemed so official and real.

Yet here she sat, alone on the station floor, still hopeful despite the fact that she could not find the Platform. Part of her still believes that it was all true, that there really was a magical school out there waiting for her but another part of her, the more rational side, said it had to be some kind of mistake. There was no such thing as magic, after all.

☄. *. ⋆

Moments passed, Y/n decided to stand up and find the station again, walking away from the Platform near 10 and 9. She was about to go search for the other Platforms when suddenly,

“H-holy mackarel! What's that?” Her eyes widened as she observed a snow white equine with a spiraling protrusion emerging from its forehead phase through the barrier dividing Platforms 10 and 9. It was indeed a unicorn! The mythical animal she had only read about in storybooks up until this very moment was now standing right before her very eyes. She could scarcely believe it.

Here was an actual, living, breathing unicorn that had somehow materialized out of thin air directly onto the busy train platform. She blinked several times to ensure she wasn't just imagining things, but no, the unicorn was still there, now gazing at her curiously. She broke into an excited smile, overcome with wonder and delight at being granted the fortune of seeing such a magical creature with her own two eyes.

Y/n looked around thinking if the others were also seeing this magical creature but it appeared that only she could see it. With nervous excitement and curiosity, the little girl made her way back to where she had been seated before carefully following the unicorn.

“Wait!” She said when the Unicorn started making her way towards the wall and to Y/n's surprise, the unicorn was able to pass through the walls.

She gripped her luggage tightly, took a deep breath and closed her eyes before running through the wall.

When she opened her eyes, the unicorn had disappeared already but to her surprise and delight, it had led her to another station, where Platform 9 ¾ was located. She could hardly believe it, her dreams were coming true. She was going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The girl could hardly contain her excitement as she prepared to board the train that would take her to the famed castle and grounds where she would learn spells, potions and how to fly on a broomstick. This was truly the start of a magical adventure that she had always dreamed of.

She's now far from the house she grew up in and yet, she's almost home. Almost.

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